Bakugos Present

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"Alright are you ready to see?" Bakugo stops in front of his door turning back to me.

"Wait it's in your room? I thought you didn't let  anybody in there?" I ask him confused.

"You're not anybody loser now are you ready?" He motions to the door again.

"But this morning you-" I start to recall him not letting inside his room earlier today.

"That was so the surprise wasn't ruined now shut up and let's go." He hurries me cutting me off.

"Jeez, ok dick." I scoff at him.

Bakugo turns about to open the door but stop right before, "One more thing pink eyes."

"Oh so now we can stop." I roll my eyes at the hypocrisy.

"It's serious asshole." He tells me turning to face me.

I taken back by his tone, "Ok ok, what is it?"

"Tell anyone that I'm.......romantic........and I'll fucking kill you." He warns his eyes dead serious.

Although I try I can't hold back my laugh at his empty threat, "Really? That's it? Oh my god Bakugo fine, I won't tell anyone that you're.....romantic."

"Fuck off asshole." He grumbles embarrassed he said brought it up.

I squeeze his hand a little tighter giving him a reassuring smile, "I won't tell anyone ok?"

Bakugo shakes his head turning back to his door, "Whatever let's just get this over with."

"Soooo enthusiastic." I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"Oh shut up." He tells me before slowing turning the doorknob.

I stand back half expecting to see nothing more than a basic room with perhaps a cute present on his bed. What I do see completely shocks me though.

Bakugo opens the door to his room revealing a room with black walls and dark blue bedding. Aside from normal teenage boy room decorations hes set up the perfect room just for me. On the ceiling are light stars and hanging from the ceiling are snowflake of all different kinds.

Bakugo leads me further into the room and my enthrallment only grows larger. At the edge of his bed lies brand new manga some from things I've already read and others that are completely new. On a chair sticking out from his desk there are multiple marvel movies placed along with the marvel comic books I've always wanted to read.

Bakugo turns around with a worried expression on his face, "You like it? I tried to add all the things I know you like but I don't know if it all fits together really. If it doesn't I can-"

I cut him off jumping into a hug, "It's perfect, I love it!"

I pull away front he embrace taking in the scene before me yet again. When my eyes meet Bakugos he's looking off me with a proud smirk, "It's really nothing much pink eyes."

Lightly hitting his arm I disagree, "Bakugo don't say that! Give yourself some credit, this whole room is amazing! I mean you have everything I like in here from marvel to snow!"

Bakugo grabs the back of his neck trying to not seem so embarrassed, "Any good guy knows how to fucking listen pink eyes. That's all I did really."

I reach up grabbing both his arms forcing him to look at me. I lean in gently kissing him pulling back to see his purest face ever. Now having his full eye toon I smile explaining to him, "Maybe, but you're the first guy to do this for me, that's what makes it so special. Now stop trying to act all tough and just enjoy this with me."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now