Waking Up

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Hitoshis POV

"What the- what happened?" I wake up in the nurses office. I look around trying to take in my surroundings.

"Ok Toshi honey thank god you're awake," my mom says hurrying over to my bedside. Behind her I can see the back of my uncle and another bed.

"Mom is that-"

"Yes honey it's y/n, and on your other side is Bakugo." She says leaning down to me. She puts a hand on my forehead and I see tears form in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I ask trying to sit up.

"I just, me and your uncle didn't know if and when you'd wake up." She explains grabbing a tissue.

My uncle turns walking over to me, "I'm glad you're awake Hitoshi, it shows how strong you are."

"Where is everyone, the enemy, that hit us." I ask confused with the last of context.

My mother and uncles faces both change them being a mix of shock and sadness. Eventually my uncle looks at me taking a deep breath, "Hitoshi, it wasn't an enemy that hit you. It was your sister. You heard before us talking about her emotions taking over her quirk, well seeing you and Bakugo fight set her over the edge."

"Y/n! Is she ok?" I ask sitting up to get a better look. Sitting up I feel a sharp pain run through my body.

"Honey please! Don't stress yourself!" My mom worries trying to contain me.

"Hitoshi calm down, your sister is strong and so is Bakugo. They'll wake up just trust us." My uncle assures me.

"Oh what the fuck?" I hear a groan come from the side of me. I look over seeing Bakugo sitting up immediately grabbing his ribs. Serves him right.

"Oh Bakugo thank god you're up," my mom says rushing over to his side.

"Bakugo don't move around too much, you took quite a hit," my uncle warns.

"Yeah I can tell," he says in pain falling back into his bed. "Wait," he says sitting back up gripping his side, "Pink eyes, where is she?"

"She's still asleep," my mom explains.

I see Bakugo sit up more obviously in pain looking past me and to my sister in the bed beside me.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asks looking at my sister with concern.

My mom gives him a slight smile, "Yes sweetie, she didn't get hurt the same way you did. She passed out from exhaustion sort of like at the camp site."

"Yes which mean I suppose we can get your friends to come in, they were all very worried about you," my uncle adds.

Me and Bakugo nod as the two walk out. When they leave I force myself to turn enduring the pain to face Bakugo, "So now you suddenly care about my sister again?"

"Shut up extra." He says turning away.

"It's obvious you care asshole, why don't you just apologize for what ever you did to her." I say turning away from him.

"I would apologize if I did anything wrong." He scoffs.

"God are you so stuck up you can't even admit to doing something wrong." I accuse him.

"God shut up! She's the one who shut me out! She came back one morning and suddenly didn't want anything to do with me!" He yells and then immediately gripping his ribs in agony.

"Wait, was this like four days ago?" I ask realizing the reason behind her shutting him out.

"Yeah why?"

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now