Fuck You

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"Wakey wakey cutie." An unknown voice is the first thing when I start to come to.

I'm sure I open my eyes but when I do everything is still black. I have a fucking bag on my head still. Fuck.

"Kid get the fuck up." Touya calls to me in a sinister tone.

"Fuck you, I can't see." I say back letting known I'm awake.

I try to jump up but I'm left without ideas when I feel the right bands gripping my wrist and ankles. They have me completely tied up and defenseless. I don't have any idea what's going on. All I know is my two friends fucking kidnapped me in the building filled with villains.

As much as it hurts I believe that Touya could've tricked me. What hurts is Keigo. One of my best friends, someone I called my brother, and he was helping end my life.

Forget about having a good mission, at this point all I want to do is live. I want to go home, I want to see Momo and Shoto. I want to be with Bakugo. I want to just be happy with my friends. Please let me be happy.

"You aren't supposed to see Pinky, that's the point of the fucking bag." I hear Keigo laughing only putting salt in the wound.

"Fuck you Hawks." I say using his hero name, because I bare the idea of referring to this asshole as Keigo.

"Awe shes sad, so she's using my hero name. Never change pinky, never change." He continues antagonizing me probably trying to get me to break.

"Can I take it off now?! I want to see her eyes!" The same unknown voice speaks again. I can tell from the voice she's a girl, and probably pretty close to me in age.

"Yeah yeah me too, I want to see her eyes." Another voice this time older and male speaks.

"Both of you be quiet, I'll take it off. Everyone has the quirk blockers on right?" Touya asks confirming the idea of them having a way to block my quirk out.

"Yeah we do! Now take it off!" The girl yells with a terrifying tone of excitement. She didn't sound evil, but she didn't sound good. She sounded insane.

"God damn it Toga it doing it." Touya says to who I'm guessing is Toga before I feel his hand grab the top of the bag.

Slowly light starts to seep into the darkness I was surrounded in and sure enough my eyes are blinded but adjust soon to reveal the faces of the voices I've been hearing.

In front of me I see Keigo and two others. One is a small girl who looks close to my age with blonde pigtails. The other is in a full costume that's black and gray. Behind me I can feel Touyas cold presence. Seeing who I assume to be the LOV only worsens my feelings making this all to real for me.

Toga the girl takes a step closer examining every inch of my face. If not already scared enough I'm horrified when I see a wicked grin appear on her face showing her fangs, "Oh my god! She's adorable! And oh my, those eyes! God I could just take them out and keep them!" What the fuck.

"Who the fuck are you? Some deranged bat?" I spit at her making step back with a look of hurt on her face.

"Now now y/n be nice. You'll be spending a lot of time with Toga." Touya warns me from behind my chair.

"I don't give a single shit. Stop fucking around Hawks let me go." I say turning my attention to Keigo. Surely there was no way he was actually working with the villains, right?

Keigo let's out a deep laugh before pushing aside Toga to get close to me. Only inches from my face he stares me dead in the eye whispering, "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not fucking around anymore. All your friends, family, and even sweet little Bakugo are going to die. And you're going watch as the die a slow painful death. Then we'll do the same with you, only after we got want we need. Got that pinky?"

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