One Moment

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"M-m-mom?" I stutter in disbelief at the sight of my mother.

"Honey! I see you and your.... friend here are having a nice conversation!" She says awkwardly staring at Bakugo.

"So um why'd you come to this part of the school?" I ask avoiding the obvious tension.

My mom stops looking at Bakugo and looks back at me putting on her best mom smile, "Oh right! Well I was just walking around to get some steps in, and I thought I heard people talking. And well then I found you two.....talking."

"I'm going to lunch." Bakugo says walking past my mom with his head down.

My mother watches Bakugo and makes sure he's out of ear shot before turning back to me giddily saying, "Oh my god my little girl has a boy friend! Darling I'm so happy for you!

"Thanks mom, but I think I'm going to go to lunch too now." I say looking for a way to get out of here fast.

"Oh uh alright honey, have fun with Bakugo. But always remember protection and um-"

"I get it mom, you don't need to say anything. Please don't actually say anything." I beg cutting her off.

"Oh ok honey, I'll talk to you later." She smiles as I walk past her.

Before turning the corner I look back calling, "Oh and don't tell Uncle Shouta about this, thank you!"


"Y/n I have a question." Momo says as I finish up my lunch.

"Yeah what is it?" I wonder putting away my water.

"Who's the toughest person you've gone head to head with?"

"Uh probably Uncle Might in his hero form. But straight hand to hand with no quirks my uncle Shouta is also really strong." I explain thinking of using uncle Might as a punching bag when I younger.

"You went head to head with All Might? How'd you do?" She ask intrigued hearing about my childhood.

"Um, I think my best was maybe 3-4 seconds. In his normal form I can beat him now though." I answer cheerfully.

Momos jaw drops, "Thr-three seconds? That's it! Shoto and your uncle said you were like crazy good at hand to hand combat!"

"Well I wouldn't say that, I mean yeah I've trained for a long time but I'm not crazy good. And believe it or not 3-4 with All might is pretty damn good. Even without using his quirk he's still extremely strong and fast. It took me two months to be fast enough to dodge even one punch. And it's impossible to block them too, his punch is so strong it still hits me even with my blocking technique." I explain slightly offended.

Momo closes her mouth and ponders on the idea for a second, "Yeah I guess you're right, I was just wondering because of what we're doing in training today."

I recall my uncle saying we'd be doing a hand to hand no quirk challenger styles training today, "Ah yeah, that should be fun to see."

"Yeah just try not to kill me," she laughs slightly serious.

"Eh don't worry, I won't participate until I have to. Not really in the mood to fight today." I shrug laying back in my seat.

Shotos POV

She's so stupid. Hearing Y/n and Momos conversation does nothing but bring up old memories. For over ten years me and Y/n have trained together. And when it came to using quirks I always won, but only two times ever have I beaten her in hand to hand. And those were both after a long training session.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now