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"I can see why you like real world me so much, we're hot as fuck." Bakugo says still lounging on the couch beside me.

"Ew don't say that about yourself." I say nudging his shoulder.

Bakugo simply grins keeping his eyes on the scene in front of us, "Remember pink eyes, anything I say is something you're-"

"Something I'm secretly thinking, yeah yeah yeah, I know." I cut him off annoyed by his constant reminders.

"Well obviously you don't because you keep making me say ridiculous stuff. If I say one more thing related to real me then I'm leaving." Bakugo decides crossing his arms.

"Fuck off." I say not wanting to admit the many times he's already said things relating to how attractive he-or um I find him attractive.

"Stop pouting and watch, I think they've found something." Bakugo points to the screen projecting exactly what myself is seeing.

When I look at the screen I feel my jaw drop open. What I'm seeing couldn't possible be real. There's no way.

Bakugo POV

Fucking bitch. I hate her, I hate her, I fucking hate her. Damn fake y/n, going off on her own. Thinking she can just win all by herself. What a load of bullshit. Maybe I hit her hard enough the real y/n would come back. But then I'd be hitting the girl I love. Fuck. What the hell fo I do?

As of right now I'm at a loss. Me and y/n were supposed to find Shigaraki and take him down. And while I hate to admit it, y/n got the best of. The little bitch.

She pretended she was back, kissed me, and then kneed me in the balls running away. Like I said, fucking bitch.

From the moment I could stand I started following the faint sound of y/ns footsteps. Though with the size of this building and the numerous twist and turns I feel like I'm in a labyrinth searching for the way out.

That is until I hear a laugh, an evil one at that, from the furthered down down door on the left of the hallway I had just passed. Y/n herself may not be there, but it's the only thing I've heard in 15 minutes. God please be her.

Wasting no time I sprint to the door stopping just short when I hear a voice surely belonging to Shigaraki, "Y/n Kayama, so nice of you to finally return."

"Shigaraki....." she says his confirming what I thought.

"I'm sure you're happy to see your old friend again." Shigaraki says with a cold tone not matching his words.

"My what?" She asks meaning she just as me had no idea what he's talking about.

Shigaraki only lets out another terrifying laugh, "Oh of course, let me call him out......you can show yourself now!" Wait, is he talking about me?

Thinking I've been caught I decide it's now or never and jump into view behind y/n. Though I find myself shocked to see a random boy only about a year younger then me and y/n standing beside Shigaraki. Who's that?


"Y/n? Who is that?" Bakugo ask as I try and find the power to speak.

"I-I-I-....it's-" I stutter only to hear the other me say it out loud.

"Aro Suzuki." She says only making the current scene all that more difficult.

"But who-" Bakugo tries asks again but the other me interrupts him already explaining.

"One of the seven victims of my accident over a year ago. We had practiced together since the age of four. And then I murdered him." She explains, each sentence hitting harder than the last.

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