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"So you just start hugging people but not me? That's horrible!" Momo complains sitting back on the couch back in the dorms.

"Sorry forgot I had to report everything to you." I grab a water from the fridge walking back to the couch.

"No need to be rude y/n it's just surprising that's all." She huffs switching the channel on the tv.

"Sorry I'm just worked up from today." I apologize sitting down beside her.

"Yeah I get that, must be pretty hard when your uncle hates your boyfriend." She says trying to soften the mood.

"Yep, but hopefully he'll be better in the future," I rest back in my seat. My friend nods and we turn our attention to the show. About five minutes in I get a notification on my phone and suddenly remember what's happening in two days.


Hey bestie, don't forget Friday's the mission briefing. I already told uncle dead eyes and he'll tell your friends. You can tell your lovaboy if u want though😘.
⚠️BUT REMEMBER DONT RELEASE YOUR QUIRK!⚠️ (Unless it's for Bakubae😍😍)
Tell them on Friday when I'm there to help explain things!😁
Okie that's it, till then bestie😚


God I'm pretty sure I had a stroke every time I read one of his text. But it was probably a good idea for me to tell Bakugo myself. Even though my uncle will probably be less rude to him, I'm pretty sure they still aren't gonna be friends.


Hey we need to talk.

Be at your room in 2

"Why do I still always beat you to your own room?" Bakugo asks taking me by surprise when I open the door.

"Sorry, I was with Momo." I say taking off my bag.

"Well then don't text me saying we need to talk when you're with someone else." He scolds me messing with a pen at my desk.

"It's important ok, I wasn't thinking of where I was." I sit down at the edge of my bed.

"Whatever just tell me what's happening." He insists running a hand through his hair. Well Keigo did say I could release him.

I take a deep breath hoping he isn't mad when I release him, "Release."

Bakugo shakes his head looking back at me confused, "You and Hawks? You guys went somewhere? And I- I LET YOU USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME? WHAT WAS I THINKING!"

"Hey you're the one who let me, so don't be mad at me when you did it to yourself. I had actually forgot about you until you came out to remind me." I explain hoping to calm him down.

Bakugo grunts claiming himself down. "Ok so this has to do with where you and Hawks went then. So tell me, what's happening?"

"The league of villains are after me." I say not realizing the seriousness of what I told him.

Bakugo stands up freaking out, "WHAT! YOU CAN'T JUST THROW STUFF LIKE THAT ON ME YOU IDIOT.!"

"Oh right sorry. Basically I met with Touya again and we found out the LOV is after me for my quirk. Apparently they plan to use my blood to make an army of high tech Nomus with my quirk. On Friday we're meeting to come up with a plan on how to take them out before they come after me." I explain staying as calm as ever.

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