A Brothers Love

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The next four days at school were a pretty big drag. They had seemed more boring than usual. Me and my uncle had resumed our training but it seemed different then before. He had been pushing me less probably for the sake that he didn't want my emotions coming out. My mom also did nightly check in with me again, making sure I wasn't too sad or angry. To be honest I hadn't really felt anything since Touya. I feel like my last conversation with Bakugo is the main reason for that. We hadn't even looked at each since the incident.

"Y/n are you even trying?" My uncle asked throwing a punch towards my shoulder.

"Yeah sorry just thinking about some things," I say dodging the punch.

"Touya?" He ask going in for a kick.

"Yeah," I jump avoiding the hit.

My uncle steps back, "Ok we can stop now"

I step back grabbing my water, "Another early stop?"

"Y/n I-"

"Don't worry uncle Shouta I get it, you think I'm an emotional time bomb. All good." I say taking a sip.

"Y/n it's not just that."

"You're not denying that's a part though are you?"

"Well no, but it's also the events of the week. Also today's a very special day."

"Huh why?"

"You're practicing with 1-B today."

"You mean Hitoshi."

"Well yeah he'll be there."

"Oh great" I roll my eyes.

"You know eventually you two will have to learn to get along."

"Or I can move away when I graduate never having to speak to him again,"

"What about all your friends?"

"Then he can move away." I suggest.

"Y/n seriously. Go get ready and please try to be nice to Hitoshi today," my uncle says walking away.

"Yeah yeah whatever," I brush him off heading in to change.

Momos POV

Y/n rolls her eyes waving bye to Mr. Aizawa. She smiles but it's not real, it hasn't been for a while. It was two nights ago she had finally told me what happened. I had never known Shoto had another brother and I certainly didn't know he had died in a tragic accident. She had also told me about another dangerous part of her quirk. And then there was her fight with Bakugo. The two hadn't even looked at each other the last four days.

I don't think my heart had ever hurt for someone more than it had for Shoto and y/n. Shoto was always pretty quiet but y/n always lit up a room. She was sarcastic didn't take anyone's shit and seemed to always make people smile. She had even broken through Bakugos, well whatever he has going on and she always makes Shoto laugh. At the same time she knows how to get me and Idia to relax and she can get Jirou to sing in front of us more. I wonder how many of the others in the class knew her smiles were fake now. I couldn't tell at first but now I always see through them. Her eyes are her best feature no doubt and when she truly smiles they shine, but when it's fake there's a darkness in them.

I look at my phone seeing the first picture I took with y/n. It was the night she moved in and Mina had said something funny. I caught the picture just as we all laughed. My smile faces when I think of the lack of real smiles y/n gives now. I don't know exactly how or when but she had become my closest friend. Through that me and Shoto became close as well, and it seems like I'm a different person. I'm still getting good grades and still petty much follow the book but there's a fun side now that y/n brought out of me. If I could do one thing for her it would be to help her bring back her real smile. It's the least I could do.

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