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"Oh thank god I can finally rest." I collapse onto my bed, my whole body sore from the past three days of training Bakugo and his friends had put me through. He had even brought Sero in to help me learn escape methods. For me though, it was all just tiring.

At the entrance of my room I watch Bakugo follow me in sitting at my desk, "Stop acting like you were being tortured."

"I was tied up, electrocuted, and pinned down. It was either torture or a porno, your pick." I say blandly looking through my phone.

Bakugo starts coughing at my desk, "You can't- you can't just say stuff like that pink eyes!"

Slightly amused I continue messing with him, "Oh sorry, forgot you can't ever keep it in your pants whenever I mention something remotely sexual."

Bakugo slams his hand standing from the desk, "I'm taking a shower."

"Oh can I join?" I tease him holding back laughter.

"Uh- wha-no!" He stammers out trying not to yell.

"I was only kidding you dick. Go on, I was planning on taking one as well." I get up from bed my body still sore from the constant training.

Bakugo ignores me going to open the door but it startled by a loud knocking coming from the other side, "Hello? Y/n are you in there? I need to tell you something really important!"

Bakugo recognizes the voice to be Dekus and angrily throws open the door, "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH HER DEKU!"

Deku panically laughs stumbling back,
"Oh uh hi Kacchan. You see I wanted to talk to y/n about the-"

"LEAVE US ALONE OR I'LL KILL YOU, YOU STUPID NERD!" Bakugo cuts Deku off slamming the door in his face.

Annoyed I run over punching Bakugo out of the way, "Bakugo stop it, he said it was important!"

I open the door and Deku holds his hands up as a way to defend against Bakugo. When he notices nothings happened he puts his hands down hesitantly, "Oh uh thank you for opening the door y/n. I uh know this is a surprise visit but it is quite important."

"Alright come on in," I gesture towards my room.

Holding back Bakugo, Deku makes his way past me and stands at the edge of my bed holding his notebook, "Ok basically in here, I think I have something that will be very useful to us on Saturday."

"Really? Tell me, what is it?" I ask knowing how valuable any advantage no matter how small it will be.

"It's about the crater of quirk enhancing bullets and the science behind it. His name is Overhaul." Deku says pausing a little at the name of the creator.

"Wait? Overhaul? I remember hearing about him. You were on the mission to infiltrate and capture him right? It's how you guys got Eri." I say trying to remember everything my Uncle Shouta had told me about the mission.

"Yes that's him! He knows the most about quirk enhancements besides who ever messed with your quirk. I don't exactly know how but if we were able to get into his studies we could probably enter the mission with a major advantage." Deku explains his thinking to me showing off the notes he had taken about this theory.

"Why try and find his studies when we can just talk to him ourselves?" I suggest making Deku and Bakugo stare at me shocked.

"You mean you want us to go to Tartarus?" Deku asks in disbelief.

"Yeah why not? I can get us in and get Overhaul to cooperate with us telling us everything." I say calmly to the two still shocked boys.

"Pink eyes, that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard. There's no way we can just walk into the most secured and locked down prison in the country." Bakugo finally speaks up to voice our against my plan.

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