So shes not Actually Stupid?

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"And then when I turned 18 I realized I didn't want to be sidekick and instead do ma own thing so I made my own agency," Keigo explains sitting back in his seat. I looked in front of him seeing he had finished another ten piece meal and chicken sandwich. Where the hell did he keep it all. I looked at my own plate and noticed I finished my food but looking over at Bakugos it almost looked like he hadn't touched it at all.

"Ok thanks Hawks this helps us a lot," I say wishing I was alone in my room watching tv.

"Yep sure just glad I could help.""

"So we can leave now?" Bakugo asks looking bored and irritated.

"Yes Bakugo we can leave," I roll my eyes cursing in my head.

"Alright then, I'll catch you later guys," Hawks waves getting up. He grabs another chicken sandwich from a table before exiting. I can see as he takes off in the air.

"C'mon let's go," Bakugo rushes me piling all the stuff onto a tray.

I laugh at how impatient he is, "ok calm down, here you throw this out and I'll throw this one out." I point to each of the trays covered with garbage mostly from Keigo.

While walking back I admire how beautiful the city looks at night. All the signs light up and you can hear the laughter of friends and families as the walk by. Growing up I had a big window in my room and I would always stay up late just to see all the buildings and signs light up. A few times I would try to sneak out just to hear the sounds coming from the city.

"Hey are you deaf or something," Bakugo punches my arm, jolting me away from my childhood memories.

"No sorry I just really love the city at night," I say looking up at a giant billboard with pink neon lights.

Bakugo sees me staring and looks up at the billboard, "The light on that thing looks like your damn pink eyes."

"Really ya think so?" I ask excited. That sign has been there for years and for some reason I've always been drawn to it. Maybe it's because it's pink like my eyes.

"Yep annoyingly bright and blinding." He laughs after seeing me realize it wasn't a compliment.

"HEY! That's my favorite sign dick." I punch his arm walking ahead.

He laughs more, "Was that supposed to hurt? And you can stay up there much better with you gone anyways."

I turn back pushing a child in my way out of the way, "why you piece of shit."

"Calm down pink eyes let's just get back to UA," he scoffs walking ahead.

Back at the entrance of the dorms Bakugo still hasn't said a thing to me since our fight in city.

"Hey explosion boy are you good," I ask playfully walking up the driveway.

"Look we got all the information thanks to you so I'll make the presentation. Just be there on Friday. This way we don't have to see each other anyways." He says walking in without even looking at me.

"Oh, ok then," I mutter to myself following behind him.



"Oh shut up." I throw yawn throwing my pillow at my alarm. Ugh today I have a quiz, wonderful. I get up grabbing my phone and resetting the alarm for tomorrow. I look through to pictures seeing a picture of Keigo, Bakugo, and me from yesterday. Keigo smiling while me and Bakugo yell at each other.

Last night

"Are you even writing this down loser?" Bakugo barks at me.

"Of course I am are you stupid why else would I have the notepad you dick." I said back holding up the notepad.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now