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"Pfff, you really think Bakugo likes you?" I hear voice I can't quite picture but is somewhat familiar speaking to me.

"Huh?" I yawn waking up only to find I'm now alone in my bed. The only thing around me is a shadow at the edge of my bed, but I can't make out any features only the general outline of the figure.

"You heard me y/n. Do you really think Bakugo likes a girl like you? He hates you. I don't know what he did that was so bad to end up with a punishment like you though." The figure laughs to themselves standing up from my bed.

The walk over to me leaning down to where I can finally see who it is. "Camie?" I say in shock to realize it's Bakugos ex."

"Yep, it's me the entertainment. Only Bakugo always said I wasn't entertainment, that I was more to him. Isn't that what he tells you." She smiles evilly at me her eyes nothing but sinister.

"How are you here, and- and where's Bakugo?" I say knowing we went to bed together.

I try sitting up to look around but Camie pushes me back down, "Oh no. Bakugo left because a he done with you, you got too boring for him."

"Let go, I have to find Bakugo." I say trying to push her hand off but for some reason she's much stronger than me right nowadays

"Face it y/n! Bakugo always hated you, you really think he liked you? Maybe you accidentally used your quirk on him, or those eyes are just a curse. Making any unlucky guy who looks at them to hopelessly follow you." Camie pushes down harder on my chest to pinky where I'm struggling to breath.

"Wha- what? N-n-n-no. He do-does li-like me." I say before everything starts to go black.

"Camie!" I yell sitting up searching for the girl.

"What?" I hear Bakugos voice and immediately look back and see the blonde boy groggily rubbing his eyes in the dark room.

"Bakugo?" I say softly poking his cheek to make sure he's real.

Bakugo grabs my finger moving it off his face, "Who else would it be loser."

A relieved smile comes across my face as I collapse onto Bakugos chest, "Oh thank god."

"What's wrong you pink eyes?" Bakugo ask whispering into my ear.

I snuggle up closer to him, "Nothing, just a bad dream."

"Those suck." He slowly says already falling back to sleep.

"Yeah....but it's over now, so let's just go back to sleep." I smile against his chest calming listening to his heartbeat.

Bakugo kisses my forehead mumbling, "Yeah ok. Oh and uh......happy birthday pink eyes."


Momo POV

"Where is that boy, I swear I told him the time five million times." Midnight complains looking for Bakugo outside of Y/ns room. Surely he didn't forget? Wait, oh no.

"Maybe he's downstairs we should go look!" I suggest realizing Bakugos probably sleeping with y/n right now.

"No need, I was the last to come in and the downstairs was empty." Mr. Aizawa unfortunately tells us.

Before I'm able to come up with anything else the door behind me starts to open. Hopeful it's just y/n I turn back ready to surprise her but immediately stop myself seeing who it really is. "Momo? Half and half? The fuck you guys doing here? Pink eyes is sleeping you're gonna wake her." Bakugo freezes when he noticed Midnight, Hitoshi, Mr. Aizawa, and Hawks, "Uh hey."

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