Our Dream

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"You remember the plan y/n?" Keigo ask as we make our way down the halls of the prison.

"Well you've only told me about 1000 times, so maybe one more time?" I say sarcastically.

"It's just protocol y/n no need for the attitude," he sighs as we reach Touyas cell.

I turn looking at Touya sitting in the interrogation cell, "Well this is it I guess."

"Yeah I guess, just remember call my name or the guards and I'll come running in," he reminds me as I make my way to the entrance.

"Young lady, I assume you remember what I said to you last time," the guard greets me when at the door.

I nod, "Yes sir I remember thank you."

He nods back opening the door, "Well then good luck."

I gulp back my fear walking in the room keeping my head down I head straight for the the table.

"Really? Keeping your head down again kid? And I here I thought we were becoming friends again." He says looking to tick me off.

Rather then letting it get to me like last time o pick my head up staring at him making sure my pink eyes are out and ice cold, "Hello, Touya. I'm very excited about our upcoming talk."

Touya simply smiles deviously at me, "Oh really? Color my intrigued."

"11 years ago. I was 4 and you were 10. My brother was out with my mom and I had ran into you on the way to hang out with Shoto. I'm sure you remember that day well." I say smirking at him with a sense of victory.

His smiles disappears and his tone seems a little more serious, "Yes of course I remember. It was one of maybe the two one on one conversations we ever had."

"Oh but that's not why you remember it is it Touya?" I ask sensing his slight non comfort.

He looks away avoiding giving me the satisfaction of letting me know that he does remember that conversation for the very same reason I'm implying.

"Hi Touya!" I say cheerfully walking into the Todoroki kitchen.

Touya turns around putting out a glass, "Oh hey kid. Sho's upstairs training but he'll be done soon and Keigos gonna be here soon. Where's Toshi?"

"Out with my mom, they'll be here later though!" I assure him going to get myself a glass. I try to stand on my tippy toes but still can't seem to reach it. When I'm about to give up I feel two hands wrap around me picking me up making it possible for me to grab a glass.

"You know kid you shouldn't try and rush growing up. You can just ask for help, you're still young." He says letting me down.

I grunt keeping my back to him, "But Touyaaaaa, I wanna be a big hero like uncle Enji and uncle shouta and my mommy!" I look out his window throwing my hands up, "Didn't you see their super cool team up. They were like boom boom! It was awesome!"

Touya just laughs looking out the window beside me, "Yeah I did, they were pretty cool. But that doesn't mean they always were. A couple years ago your uncle couldn't even fight, he was just a normal student."

I turn away from the window shocked, "Really?"

Touya nods, "Yep, so just don't rush it. I promise one day we'll all become great hero's."

"And we'll do even greater team ups!" I add in excitedly.

Touya laughs looking back out, "Yeah, one day."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now