Top Secret Mission

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"Hey pink eyes I have to go train so you gotta get up," I heard Bakugo whisper into my ear as I wake up. I start to recall all the events of last night, realizing this is in fact real. Bakugo is really laying next to me sweetly whispering it's time to get up.

"Pink eyes? Hey, you alive?" He ask laughing softly. I realize he can't just leave because of where my head is. I debate whether or not I get up, but ultimately I really just wanna sleep.

"Ok I'm giving you five minutes, then I'm gonna wake up. You're lucky your cute when you sleep," he resting his head back down.

While I'm laying on his chest I can feel him playing with his hair, it's not like I mind it just makes it a lot harder to go back to sleep. "Bakugo stop messing with my hair I'm trying to sleep," I say into his chest. Damn it.

"Ha I knew it, you are awake!" He says sitting up letting my head fall off his chest.

"Ow you dick, I was really trying to sleep," I rub my head pouting at him.

"Awe, I'm sorry," he mocks my pout, "I'm trying to train now get off."

"You're horrible you know," I say moving myself off of him.

"Says the one who just spent the night with me, did it to yourself pink eyes," he says standing up.

"Call it a lapse in judgement," I roll my eyes.

He laughs walking over to my mirror, "Yeah ok, you're a horrible liar you know."

"I thought you had to train, why don't you just go," I grunt.

Bakugo fixes his hair sighing, "Oh don't be like that pink eyes. Shouldn't be surprised that you aren't a morning person though."

"Excuse you, I am a morning person. Just not when dicks are in my room," I huff turning my back to him.

I hear Bakugo laugh to himself and make his way over to face me. I look up at him giving him an offended glare. He stares back down shaking his head, "I'm sorry I'm so horrible to have around your highness."

I send him a death glare, "You know there are a lot of things I could make you do right now asshole, so choose your words carefully."

He laughs rolling his eyes, "Yeah right like you'd really-"

"Shut up," I smile sweetly at him. "Now what else could I do? Maybe erase your quirk from your memory? There's just so many possibilities and that's just one."

I made it so Bakugo could still control his facial expressions at this point, and it looks could kill I'd definitely be six feet under. "Stop with that look Bakugo, I'm only kidding god. Release," I granting him the ability to speak again.

"I'll kill you!" He yells.

I only laugh, "Bakugo be quiet it's early the others are sleeping."

"God why are you like this? Why the hell am I even attracted to you?" He asks himself out loud.

"Cause I'm awesome, plain and simple," I respond shaking my head.

"I'm going to train," he announces walking away.

"Wait Bakugo." I say reaching for his arm.

"What?" He ask annoyed more even turning back.

"Can't I at least get a goodbye kiss?" I ask trying to sound nice.

"A goodbye kiss? God you're so stupid." He huffs batting away my hand.

As he reaches for the door handle I call out, "Ok then see you never! I wonder what Monoma is doing right now?"

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now