Bonus: The Wedding pt 2

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"As much as I love you y/n, I really hate that we can't just walk down the street anymore." Momo says sitting down next to me at the cafe she picked out for us to have brunch at. We were seated way in the back per our request, this way people won't interrupt us while we eat.

"I didn't ask for it either ya know." I tell her while gazing over the menu the waitress had given us.

"Yeah it's not like y/n asked to be a beautiful hero who is also getting married to the number 3 hero." Jirou comments with a slight tone of sarcasm.

"Oh shut up, I can't control what people think of me or my looks." I say glaring at her over the menu.

"Except you can." Mina says, making her and the others giggle.

"You guys are jerks." I grumble laying my head on the table covering it with the menu.

"Oh come on Y/n, you have to admit it's sorta funny. You, the one who didn't want to be known for her looks and didn't want to be high in the rankings ended up being in the top 10 and voted prettiest hero for the past 4 years." Momo laughs leaning back in her seat at the irony of my situation.

I pick my head up, resting my chin on my fist, "I just don't get it. I mean I purposely try to not look like some r-rated hero. And it's not like I'm better at being a hero than any of you, and I don't show off when doing it like Katsu. So on earth does everyone insist on praising me?!"

"Because you're pretty no matter what you do. Your quirk gives you natural attractiveness and with your personality it's easier to fall in love with you. And you also save the most people so people pay attention to you. It's also pretty fun to watch you defeat villains. Face it y/n, even if you don't try, everyone ends up liking you. I mean back when we met you, you were going through that depressed phase and we all still ended up loving you. It's pointless to fight it." Momo explains annoying me, because I know she's right.

"Let's change the topic." I suggest done with this redundant conversation we always seem to have.

"Tell us about Kat. I mean is he really super nice and sweet to you?" Jirou asks, always being the first to help me out when I start getting annoyed.

"Yeah, he actually is. I don't know why he doesn't show you guys his nice side more." I answer her glancing out the window and seeing a young family with two little kids dancing down the street like best friends.

"Really? I mean I know he's gotten nicer over the years, but I can't imagine him ever being sweet." Mina says, almost bursting out laughing.

More engaged in the conversation I sit up straight looking at the girls, "No I'm serious! He really can be sweet when he wants to be. I mean do you guys really think I'd marry someone who's an asshole all the time?"

Momo nods next to me, "Yeah I guess you have a point. Maybe tomorrow we'll actually see that side of him a bit."

I look back at the window watching a couple walk by holding hands and sigh, "Yeah, I hope so too."


Later that night after that the boys and girls got home from their parties.

3rd Person POV

"FUCK!" Katsuki yells collapsing onto the couch in Shoto and Momo's living room.

"Kat you have to be quiet, the girls are probably sleeping upstairs." Eijirou reaches his hand out to quiet him down but Katsuki pushes it away.

"FUCK YOU EIJI!!" He screams again trying to stand but immediately stumbling back.

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