Meeting class 1-A

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"Uncle Shouta you really don't need to help me move in," I assured my uncle as we arrived to the front door of my dorm building.

"Your mother would kill me if I let you go in alone besides, it would be best for me to introduce you," my uncle said walking to the front door

"Really uncle it will look weird if I walk in with you," I said waking in front of him grabbing the door handle

"I'm going to be your teacher, it would look more weird if you walked in alone," he said grabbing my hand from the handle.

Frustrated I started to activate my quirk slowly turning to face my uncle, "Really uncle I insist-." Before being able to use my quirk I felt a sudden lack of power, "UGHH, really uncle Shouta you didn't have to erase my quirk, I wasn't gonna use it!"

"Oh yeah, how did you notice I used my quirk"I could almost hear the smirk on his face

"Whatever, let's just go in," I grunted in defeat.

My uncle stifled a small laugh before opening the door to my new home for the foreseeable future, "Well y/n welcome to class 1-As dorms"

I enter the room in awe, "Woah I'm really here," I gazed around the room simply taking in how amazing it was to finally be at- "AHH"

I large hand suddenly emerged in front of me breaking my train if thought, "Hello I am Tenya Idia class rep of 1-A it is a pleasure to meet you and have you join our class."

"Uh hey I'm Y/n Kayama nice to meet you Iida,"I said waving back at the blue haired boy.

"Ohhh Idia look you've already scared her, it's nice to meet you Kayama I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, assistant to the class rep. Don't be to scared by Iida he's nice just pretty "assertive", the young girl smiled putting out her hand."

I shook the girls hand giggling a little at the now embarrassed Iida, "it's ok he didn't really scare me"

"Says the girl who screamed," I heard my uncle say walking up beside me. "Everyone this is Y/n Kayama she'll be in your class from now on as I said earlier. Please treat her with respect and make her feel very welcomed. You can introduce yourself now y/n"

When he finished I realized that a group of people my age was in the common room, I'm assuming they were the rest of the class. "Oh ok, uh hey guys I'm y/n Kayama and I think right now I'm supposed to share some fun facts but I don't really have any other then I have twin. So you guys can call me y/n not Kayama since my brother is also in the hero course. Oh wait you guys probably didn't know that. Right my brother is Hitoshi Kayama you guys probably saw him at the sports festival. Oh but he was still general studies at that point, well now he's in the hero course but the other class. And now I'm rambling sorry guys."

"Still as talkative as ever I see," I heard a shy voice coming from the back of the group staring at me.

"Wait Todoroki you know her," I heard a green haired boy ask?

My eyes lit up hearing the name, "No way, Shoto!"

Slowing the red and white haired boy made his way to me, "Hey y/n"

"Oh my god I completely forgot you were in 1-A, this is amazing now I have a friend in here already."

Shoto smiled as my uncle walked up next to me, "ok I have some other things to do right now so have Momo get you settled in and we can train a little late tonight."

"Ok bye uncle Shouta," I smiled at him as he exited.

Yaoyorozu walked up to me with a puzzled look, "Did you just call Mr. Aizawa uncle Shouta?"

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