Growing Up

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"Ok students today we will be doing rematches of the previous flag game we played. You will be going against the very same opponent." My uncle announces clearly looking for a way to pin me and Bakugo against each other.

"Way to make it discreet asshole" I mutter to myself.

"You ok y/n?" Momo asks me in the seat beside me.

"Yeah I'll be fine as long as my jerk of an uncle learns to cool it." I respond sinking into my seat.

"Don't worry I'm sure it will be-" Momo tries to comfort me but is cut off by my uncle.

"Y/n and Bakugo you two will go first." He instructs standing in front of the class.

God why is he being so difficult. Me and Bakugo are happy, my uncle has no right to try end or ruin that. If I could I would-

"Y/n calm down, your eyes are turning red." Bakugo whispers in my ear grabbing my hand.

I look up to him and give a weak smile, "Thanks Bakugo, I just don't want to do this ya know."

He looks down at me sighing, "Yeah I don't necessarily want to either, we could just end it soon you do what you did the first time and it will be done-"

"No Bakugo," I look him in the eyes making sure my quirk is still activated, "give it your all, don't hold back."

Bakugos face goes blank for second as he nods taking in the command. Then he regains full consciousness saying, "We should go now. I nod and the two of us separate walking into the fighting area.

As I'm walking to my end my uncle grabs my arm turning to me he tells me, "Don't hold back Y/n."

I glare up at him shaking my arm off, "I don't plan on it....Mr.Aizawa"

I can see that my words hurt him but I don't dare stay and listen to him respond. Instead I look forward heading to my spot. The thing was I knew my uncle wasn't just pissed, but he was scared. He hates that I've let anyone get close to me that isn't him, but I'm not worried. Because as much as I don't want to lose him, he doesn't want to lose me two times as much.

When I get set up in position I see my uncle still staring down at the ground. I don't know what came over me but I felt the only way to suppress my anger right now was to pass it onto my uncle. "Sorry sir, but may we begin, or are you preoccupied...staring at nothing?" I ask with a sinister smile on my face.

My uncles head shoots up and he quickly says, "Yes begin."

Within moments Bakugos already sent a full attack at my head. I dodge it barely already preparing for his next blow. If I'm being honest I know that because of my command I have no chance of winning. But the least I can do is dodge his attacks for while, maybe even try and throw one punch.

Bakugo sends another blast that I again dodge which clearly upsets him. He prepares another attack yelling, "STOP DODGING ME LOSER! I'LL KILL YOU!" I must admit, I really did miss angry Bakugo. Even though he's just under a command it still reminds me of the early days.

Before I can even think Bakugo sends his blast this one skimming my shoulder causing me to stumble back. Damn it. That's not good, I wished to last a little longer. Oh well though, at least after this I can sleep while the others fight.

Bakugo easily catches me stumbling back and waste no time to come in for a killing blow. Although I know it's pointless I close my eyes bowing my head to activate my quirk. When I look back up it's just as I expected, Bakugos avoiding my eyes.

As Bakugo sends a final blow that I can in no way block I look up at my uncle smiling as the impact of the attack knocks me down. Ok ow, that definitely hurt more than I thought it would.

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