A+ Presentation and Sexual Tension!

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"Yeah yeah I know just shut up," I groan into my pillow. Today was Friday meaning today me and Bakugo gave out presentation on Hawks. I haven't even looked at it, in fact Bakugo won't let me. So if it turns out to be shit he can't blame me. I fall out of bed going over to put on my work out clothes.

Slowly I force myself out of my room and downstairs. Last night I had watched iron man 2 and 3. I got maybe an hour of sleep. Not my fault though, blame Marvel for making their movies too addictive.

When I get downstairs I see my uncle pleasantly waiting for me. He's speaking to Deku who is showing off a bright smile. Disgusting. He just seems a little too happy at 6am. I make my way over yawning, "Morning Deku, morning Uncle Shouta ready to train?"

Concerned my uncle raises an eyebrow, "Yeah but are you?"

"Me? Oh I'm fine let's go," I say trying to suppress another yawn while also using the table behind me to keep me from falling. My uncle eyes me again before shrugging and heading for the door.

"Y/n your putting your hands up to slow, your going to get beat within 10 seconds if you fight like this in a real battle." My uncle warns throwing two quick punches at me aiming for my ribs. I barely block one and the other I merely deflect just enough so it's not a direct hit.

"Sorry uncle Shouta, I stayed up a little late doing homework last night," I say aiming for quick which he easily blocks.

"Ah I see, your mother was never good at time management either," he says going in for a kick at my shoulder. I dodge just in time bending my body back. As soon as I'm back up though he throws another punch aiming for my head.

"Yeah I'll work on it though," I say pushing his hands. I'm running out of breath already and it's only been 5 minutes. I'm out of shape

"Y/n try go in the offensive you're being too defensive."

"I would but you aren't exactly giving me any time," I say blocking another kick.

"Then make time!" He yells throwing a faster than usual paced punch at my gut. Just barely I get my hands up in time. I feel my arms giving out for having to block so many attacks. He is right that I need attack but he'd just block it. I've been training with him for years and I've never once beaten him when he goes all out. And he's been going all out for about 4 years now. I have improved, I can at least keep up with him now. In the beginning I would almost always lose within a minute. But now we could sometimes go back in forth for up to 10 minutes. And last year I was able to get my first good punch in on him. There was no doubt that he was an incredible hand on hand fighter but he had to be since his quirk wasn't a strength ig quirk or one good for fighting. Plus those damn bandages he had.

"Y/n hit me!" He says throwing more punches my way. Damn it a few more quick punches and I'll definitely get hit directly. I have to attack. Think Y/n, think. Well guess this is my only option. I look my uncle in eye starting to activate my quirk. He sees and quickly activates his. I feel my quirk gone already but it's what I wanted. The second he meets my eye I send a purposely badly aimed punch. He dodges it easily but at the same time I send a kick at his knees. Gotcha. I make contact but just barely. He jumps back and I go in easy to attack. I throw punch after punch forcing my uncle to keep his arms up. Just as I go in for my final kick I feel a right bandage wrap around my hands. Damn it. My uncle kicks me down still tied up.

"Damn it," I complain trying to break though the bandages.

"Don't be like that, you actually got a good hit in. Keep doing this and one day you may beat me." He smiles throwing me my water.

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