We're not Friends

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Lunch came soon and I saw all my friends split off into their partners. I saw Bakugo standing alone debating whether or not I actually walk over to him.

"You know y/n you should probably go speak to your partner," Shoto says behind me sitting next to Momo.

"Shut up Shoto, try having Bakugo have a partner you're lucky to have Momo."

Momo pops her head up, "What oh no I wouldn't say he's lucky, I mean I'm not even that smart truly."

"No Momo she's right it'd be horrible to have Bakugo I'm glad I have you instead." That stupid boy. Momos face turned bright red hearing Shoto compliment her. Shoto looks at Momo with visible concern, "Momo are you ok, your face looks like a tomato." Idiot.

"What oh no, I guess I'm allergic to this brand of tea. It's new." She says putting away her tea.

"Oh I see that's unfortunate do you want to go to the nurse we can speak at the dorms about the project."

"Uh yes that would be great, at the dorms yeah then we'll speak. You can come to my room," she smiles.

"Uh Momo I thought we were going to study?"

"Don't you have to talk to Bakugo, look there he is." She points behind me. "Well I'm going to the nurse now, see you later Todoroki!"

"Bye Momo. Y/n you really should speak to Bakugo."




"Just put the fact that it's Bakugo aside and talk to him."

"Fine. But only because it beats speaking to you." I say getting up

"Funny now go. Oh and tell Keigo I say hi when you talk to him." Shoto says giving me a slight wave.

"Whatever Shoto," I respond walking away.

"Hey Bakugo," I smile walking up to the angry blonde.


Wow how familiar

"C'mon Bakugo I'm not asking to get married let's just get this project done ok."

"I'll do it alone, you'd probably make us fail anyways." He scoffs.

"Actually you'd be the reason we'd fail this one," I reply smirking.

"Yeah right, you can't even stay awake for classes." He snarks

"That may be true, but I know Hawks pretty damn well."

"Oh is he another one of your uncles," he says glaring down at me.

"More like childhood best friend but sure." I shrug.

"Tsk, fine you may know a lot but do you even remember any of it."

"Well not off the top of my head, but I know another way to get the information and make sure it's true."

"Please don't say google."

"Of course not I'm not that dumb."

"Then just fucking tell me and stop wasting my time."

"I'll just text him."

"You'll what?"

"Text him. He's in town for a hero expo anyways. My mom and Shotos dad were going to take us all out anyways."

"Ok then text him then."

"Alright will do partner."

"Never call me that."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now