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"Y/N!!" Kaminari cheers opening the door.

"Oh Y/n's here? Hell yeah!" Kirishima yells. He joins Karminari at the door and both walk towards me with their arms out. Before they can actually hug me I dodge out of the way leaving them to hug air.

"Hey Shitty Hair and Dunce Face get back here and pick up your controllers!" Bakugo yells from inside the room.

"Calm down Bakugo, we were just saying hi to y/n since you wouldn't." Kaminari taunted walking back into the room.

"Yeah Bakubro, ignoring your own girl, not cool." Kirishima scolded following Kaminari.

"FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T HAVE TO SAY HI TO HER!" Bakugo screams sitting against the wall on Kaminaris bed.

The two boys laugh sitting back down on the floor. Walking in I decide to sit next to Bakugo on the bed. Heading over Kaminari hands me a controller, "Here were doing a team game, so we'll start a four person team. Have you ever played journey to hell?"

"Uh yeah a little, my brother had the game and I'd play every now and then." I say remembering times me and Toshi would get into our worst fights over the game.

Kaminari smiles, "Ok great, this is gonna be so fun!"

"NO NO BAKUBRO DON'T GO IN ALONE YOU'LL DIE!" Kirishima warns Bakugo.

"SHUT UP SHITRY HAIR I DO WHAT I WANT!" He yelled back. While the two argued I looked over at the time and saw it was already 10:30. Not that it was late for me but I knew Bakugo was usually asleep by 10.

"DAMMIT WHY THE HELL WAS THAT GOBLIN THERE!" Bakugo roared at the screen.

"We did warn you." Kaminari mutters.

"WHY YOU-" Bakugo begins.

"Bakugo quiet down, it's late for some people." I say shushing him. Bakugo stops yelling, crossing his arms looking away.

Kaminari laughs, "Oh my god, y/n really broke you didn't she!"

"I'll still kill you." Bakugo warns still looking away.

"Ooooooookay stepping away from that convo, y/ns right it's sorta late and we have school tomorrow so I'm gonna head in." Kirishima announcements standing up.

"Whatever I'm leaving." Bakugo says getting up. He stops before leaving and turns looking over to me, "Are you coming or not pink eyes."

I laugh getting up from the bed, "Sorry to keep you waiting dick." I turn back at Kaminari smiling, "Thanks for tonight, it was really fun!"

"Yeah it really was! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" He says happily watching us all exit.

When we get back to my room Bakugo immediately falls back into my bed. "God those two idiot always keep me up late." He groans staring at the ceiling.

"I thought tonight was really fun." I smile laying down next to him.

"Of course you would loser." He teases.

"Hey random question." I say changing the topic.

"What's up?" He asks.

"What's your zodiac sign?" I question him.

"Pretty sure they call me a Taurus-Aries cusp. Technically I'm born first day of Taurus season but dates are debated on. Why do you want to know?" He explains

"Just curious," I shrug.

"Alright what's your zodiac?"He ask turning over to stare at me.

"Sagittarius." I answer thinking back to when I was obsessed with zodiac signs.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now