Aro Suzuki

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^^^ What Aro looks like currently


12 years ago

"Y/n, you really have to stop messing around like this." Uncle Shouta scolds me, but like usual I don't really care. It always happens. And just like always I smile and do the same thing again tomorrow. Life's easy when you're me. My mom doesn't care what I do and Uncle Shouta basically does whatever I want! It's amazing!

"Hey pink eyed girl, wait up!" Confused I ignore my uncle and turn seeing one of the boys I had used my quirk on earlier.

He looks like my age, but he doesn't look like all the other kids. He kinda looks American. Woah. That's so cool, if he is!

"Hi!" I smile brightly as he approaches matching my grin.

"I just wanted to say how cool I thought your quirk was back there!" He says pointing back to where I used it on him and some other boys. Wow. That's the first time someone's really liked me using my quirk on them.

"Really?!" I ask excited to finally have someone appreciate my awesomeness.

"Yeah! It was like one second I was here, and then the next I was gone! It was totally awesome! Plus, you have those really pretty eyes! Kinda like an angels eyes!" He beams making my eyes light up with joy.

"Finally! Someone actually sees how cool my quirk is!" I tell him pulling my hand away from uncle to get closer to the boy, "Whats your name by the way? I'm y/n Kayama but you can call me y/n!"

The boy grins happily as he pints to himself, "Aro Suzuki, future number one hero! You can just call me Aro though!"

"Sick! But you're gonna have to beat me to be number one!" I joke, as Aro laughs along with me.

Aro contains his laughter staring me in the eye, "Hey, are you gonna keep coming here? It's be super cool if you did."

Oh right. Aro goes to the training program. My mom said that today would decide whether or not I could. I think I did pretty good though. But my uncle was mad I used my quirk later. Unsure of the answer I turn back to my uncle who gives me a quick glance, looking over to Aro giving a small nod, "You'll surely see y/n again. Not all the time, but enough."

Both me and Aro had obviously wanted to hear that I'd be here all the time but that answe was enough for now. Happy we both turn to each other, Aro reaching out his pinky finger, "Ok then. Pinky promise me, that you and I will always practice here to get stronger and be friends forever!"

Wasting no time I put my hand up interlinking my pinky finger with his, "Ok, pinky promise!"

3rd person POV

And so from that day forward the two young ones kept their promise. Y/n would come in four days a week and almost the whole time she would be practicing with Aro. He would be the only friend she had outside of family, and she was the only true friend he met after being held up in the hero training program, his father being the head coach of the program.

Aro later explained how he had trouble making friends because he wasn't really Japanese and only half, because his mother was white.

Y/n sympathized explaining how she was called a villain or a freak because of her quirk. She could never get close to people because many in her school got scared she'd use her quirk on them. (She did, but not all the time.)

With this common struggle the two would begin to rely more on each other, looking forward to their little escape from reality in each of their meetings. Sometimes Aro would come over to y/ns and they'd train there or vice versa. They'd practiced with each other so much they were basically doing a routine each time they practiced. After two years almost all their spars ended in ties. The two didn't mind though, they were just happy to have someone else that could understand them.

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