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"Pi-pink.....eyes." Bakugos voice wakes me up to my extremely cold room.

When I open my eyes I expect to find Bakugo leaning over me but much to my surprise he's actually no where in sight. That is until I turn over seeing Bakugo still fast asleep. So who said that?

"Pink....eyes." I see Bakugo mutter his nickname for me in my sleep.

"Aweeeeee, you're dreaming about me." I gush at the rare sight of a docile Bakugo.

"She's mine....Kyo." He continues his dream.

"Aww, are you jealous of an amine character Bakugo?" I ask holding back my laugh.

"Don't leave.....please." He mumbles rolling towards me.

"Don't worry I won't, but you should wake up now." I smiling down at my sleeping boy friend.

"Stupid....Icyhot." He says still in a deep sleep.

I giggle a little knowing he still uses Shotos nickname when sleeping. I lean down towards him caressing his cheek, I whisper, "Bakugo, wake up."

Bakugo opens his eyes slowly adjusting to the light. He looks at me yawning, "Pink eyes?  You're already up? What time is it?"

"Uh around 7:45, I just woke up though because I heard you." I tell him grabbing my phone to double check the time.

"Heard me?" He says confused rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah you were having a cute little dream about me." I smile at him before realizing he probably wouldn't want me saying that.

Bakugos eyes open wide with worry, "I was talking? In my sleep? About my dream?"

"Yeah, but don't worry I didn't hear anything. Besides something about Kyo." I say no longer able to hold in my laugh.

"Don't laugh at me jerk! It was just a stupid dream!" He tells me crossing his arms.

"What ever you say," I shrug.

"It was I'm serious!" He insist.

"Bakugo really I don't care, I'll just forget about it if it prevents a fight ." I tell him truthfully not wanting to fight again in the morning.

Bakugo scoffs, "What you want me to say thank you?"

I smile rolling my eyes at his natural grumpiness. Before getting up I kiss his cheek taking him by surprise. He turns away but before that I see his blush.

"I hate it when you do that." He complains back facing towards me.

"Do what? Kiss you? My boyfriend?" I laugh walking over to my closet.

"Yeah, and when you smile or laugh. And when you call me cute, or when you-" He starts listing things off.

"Ok I get it you hate everything." I roll my eyes picking out a sweatshirt to wear.

"No, I enjoy defeating people and being the best." He states as if that really means anything.

"Ok Bakugo, whatever you say." I say looking through my pants.

"What are you doing today?" He randomly asks.

"Uh I don't know probably just hang out with our classmates in the common room." I answer thinking of what I've done the last few weekends.

"Alright just be dressed nicely by 6." He says catching me by surprise.

I turn back surprised yet happy, "Are you taking me out Bakugo?"

"Want me to change my mind?" He ask getting out from the bed.

"Oh no, no complaints here." I raise my hands in defense.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now