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"Hold my hand."

"Fuck no."

"Hold it!"

"No way in fucking hell!"

"Katsuki Bakugo hold my fucking hand you dick!" I scream reaching for Bakugos hand.

He snaps his hand back an angry look plastered on his face, "I'm not holding your fucking hand loser. You're 16 you don't need me guiding you!"

"It's not because I need a guide I just want you to hold my hand when walk down! Everyone's going to be looking and we'll actually look like a couple that way!" I try to explain to him knowing my mothers probably already handed Toshi all his gifts and he now waiting for my arrival.

"I don't care what it's for I'm not into pda so the answers still no and it's going to stay like that. Now c'mon we have to go." He crosses his arm set on his decision.

I put down my reaching arm slumping my head down, "Ok..." I mutter using my best sad voice possible.

In front of me I hear Bakugo groan, "Don't be mad pink eyes it's just our fucking hands."

I pick my head up trying my best to look upset, "I'm not mad.....let's just go."

"I know you're trying to guilt trip me right now idiot. It's not working." Bakugo catches me in my act letting me now I've clearly begun to use this truck too much.

Not ready to give in I put on an obviously faked smile, "Yeah you caught me...let's leave." I let my voice trail off at the end playing more into my role.

I see Bakugo bite his inner lip letting out a long sigh, "Don't tell me you're actually fucking upset."

Quite honestly I think I've played so much into my role I was truly getting myself much more upset. "No it's fine, they're just fucking hands right?" I watch him see his eyes twitch hearing the sadness lingering in my voice.

Bakugo stares at me for a second before letting out an exasperated grunt taking my hand in his, "I'd feel even more like shit if I made you upset today."

I grow our hands up together beaming, "Yay!"

"Don't get all fucking happy loser! They're just hands!" He yells pulling our hands back down.

"I know that you dick, just let me have my little moment." I smile leaning in to kiss his cheek.

I see his cheek turn slightly pink before he turns facing the door, "We uh.....should go now."

"Great idea." I say as he leads us out of my room and into the hall.

We walk in silence down the stairs each of us thinking about different things. Growing up I always had mixed feelings about receiving gifts. I don't really like having people stare at me so that always made getting and opening the gift not very fun. I do however love the gifts themselves. My favorite out the gifts that actually required thought and you could tell the person knew you from the gift they had given you. Like my uncle Shout always gave me something I would talk about prior to my birthday. My mother on the other hand always gave me clothes, every single year.

Thinking of receiving clothes makes me think of Bakugos gift to me that he gave me earlier this morning. Maybe it was my certain disdain towards my mother that made me hate the clothes she bought me because when Bakugo gave me the pants I was so happy to get them. Bakugo also gave a pretty good reason as to why he gave me the leggings. My ass did look fantastic in them.

I look over to say something but get distracted by the pictures behind him hung on the wall. I remember when I first came here all I wanted was to have my picture up there with all my friends. It still was yet to be up there hopefully by next year I'd have at least one.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now