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"Get the fuck out of my room." Bakugos voice wakes me from my must needed sleep. When I start to open my eyes I see that it's still dark out making me think Bakugos just having another nightmare.

"Shut up explosion boy, wake your girlfriend up and let's go." Another voice comes through shocking me. Keigo?

Instead of letting them know I'm awake I stay in place listening to their conversation, "I said get the fuck out. She's already had a hard night."

"You're all bark and no bite. Get your ass up, this is important." Keigo tries to reason with Bakugo using a tone I'm in unfamiliar with. Keigo was.....mad?

"If she wakes up I'll fucking kill you. Let her sleep tomorrow's already going to be tough enough." I feel Bakugo shift his wait most likely crossing his arms.

"Are you deaf? I said it's important for the mission, I know better than you how important tomorrow is." Keigo tells Bakugo making my curiosity only grow larger.

"Are you fucking deaf? She doesn't need anymore stress, so whatever it is just go do it yourself. You're a pro aren't you?" The last sentence from Bakugo seemed more personal then his usual insults. He didn't really know Keigo yet he knew exactly what to say just to upset him.

From the shifting of feet I can tell Keigos leaned in closer to Bakugo. "I said....get your fucking ass up. If you don't I'll use that pretty little feather necklace around y/ns neck and send it right through those pretty hands of yours. Pretty damn hard to cause explosions when there are huge holes in your weapons," his threat comes out in the form of a growl causing goosebumps to show up all over my body. Hearing Keigo talk like that was....terrifying.

"What do you think pink eyes would say right now if she heard you say that? I bet it would scare her to the bone hearing her big brother threaten me." Bakugos words make me think he may actually know I'm awake. But really, I don't know how he would.

"If you even think about telling her I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what? Slit my throat with one of those feathers? You're a fucking bird Hawks, I'm a hero. Now since that's cleared up, I'll give you one more chance to leave. It's taking everything in my power to not shout right now, so just go. Or else I can't promise I won't do something." Bakugo ends up hitting Keigo with just as bad a threat. My biggest worry with him is that, he might actually do it. Then again, with the way Keigo said that, I feel like he might actually hurt Bakugo too.

"I'll leave. With you and y/n after I wake her up." I can almost hear the smirk on his face.

"Fuck you."

"Pinky! Wake up!"

"Hawks! Fuck-"



"I'm awake." I cut Bakugo off sitting up now fully awake.

"Oh great pinky, look I know this sounds weird but I-" keigo starts to speak but I have even gotten started with scolding them.

"I know, you want us to go help with something because it will help tomorrow. I heard it all. Everything from the first time Bakugo said to get out." I explain watching Bakugo shocked face from beside me.

"Y/n I-" Keigo tries to talk again.

"Oh no. You two idiots have to stop fighting. I swear to god, Keigo you seemed like you actually wanted to hurt him. Bakugo I know you probably did. Either way I hated it. Now apologize to each other." I look at them my words seeming to fall upon deaf ears.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now