My First Hug

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"Hey Bakugo?" I say sitting up from my bed. Bakugo sat at my desk looking at something on his phone.

"What is it?" He ask putting his phone down to face me.

"I never got to say it earlier but thank you for saving me earlier." I thank him feeling my cheeks burn up from embarrassment.

"No need to get all lovey about it, just didn't want you knocking out our teacher." He responds rolling his eyes.

"I wasn't being 'lovey' I was just showing my gratitude dick." I grumble crossing my arms.

"How the hell can you go from soft and cute to mean and angry just like that?" He asks slightly puzzled.

"Awe did you just call me cute?" I point out cheerfully.

"There you go again!" He yells irritated.

"Well I'm sorry but you do the same thing! One second you're cute and protecting me and then the next you're yelling at me or making fun of me in some way!" I yell accusing him.

"Hey! I said don't fucking call me cute!" He shouts.

"Well sorry I think you're cute!" I yell standing up.

Bakugo also stands up yelling back, "God you're just like Camie!"

I stop yelling when I hear him say that. Camie. Aka what Bakugo called entertainment. She was also his on and off again girl friend, and everyone here hated her.

I see Bakugo regret what he says as soon as the words leave his mouth. He gets up placing his hand on my cheek. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

Before he can finish I cut him off hitting away his hand, "If I'm so much like Camie then just call her because I'm not here to just be your entertainment."

"I'm not going to do that y/n. If you just let me fucking speak you'd know I didn't mean it like that." He fumed looking down at me.

"Tell me later, when you're in a better mood. Or even better don't tell me, I couldn't care less." I scoffed walking past him.

Right as I'm about to open my door Bakugo burst out, "I LOVE KYO SOHMA!"

I turn around confused and shocked, "I'm sorry what?"

"Kyo Sohma from fruits basket, he's my favorite character because I think we're a lot alike and his favorite colors also orange. Fruits basket is my favorite manga and anime but I read a lot of romance manga. It's why I don't let anyone in my dorm and anytime Camie came I'd hide it all away. Um what else? Oh right, when I was really young I used to stand in front of mirrors and quote All Might. Sometimes I have nightmares about the time I was nearly killed by the sludge villain. Also the reason I knew how to handle your panic attack so well was because sometimes I have panic attacks where I can't hear anyone because I'm so afraid of going deaf from my quirk. I also really love cooking and baking and when I like a food a a lot I'll ask for the recipe but not around anyone. Also even though I'm always yelling and fighting with her, I'm a pretty big fan of my mom. And uh uh-" I cut Bakugo off kissing him.

I pull back smiling up at him, "You talk too much."

"Yeah when I'm nervous and don't want to yell I start to ramble on and on. Oh damn it I'm doing it again." He says turning away out of embarrassment.

"It's ok I think it's- oh uh well I just like it." I say remembering how much he hates being called cute.

"Just call me cute." He mumbles still turned away.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now