Bonus: Meet the Bakugos

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"Katsu your mother hates me."

"She'll love you once she gets to know you."

"She doesn't think I'm good enough for you."

"She just doesn't know you yet."

"Katsuki what if she yells at me? Or kicks me out?" I worry pacing back and forth across my room. Katsuki sits calmly at the end of my bed.

"Y/n it's my birthday I want you there." He says not seeing the panic in my face.

"But she's your mom. If she doesn't want me there then I shouldn't get in the way of that. I don't want to ruin your relationship with her." I tell him truthfully. How could I place myself over his mother.

Katsuki stands up stopping me in the middle of the room. He sighs grabbing my hand, "But pink eyes, it's my birthday. My mother doesn't get to decide who I bring to celebrate. And I want you there, so you're going to be there. End of story."

"And it won't ruin your relationship if I go." I ask him.

"Me and that old hag fight all the time. I'm sure you won't be the final straw." He assures me taking my other hand in his.

"If you're sure." I say hesitantly. I really don't think this is a good idea.

Katsuki rolls his eyes lifting up our left hands, "Pink eyes I didn't just get us those fucking matching rings for nothing. Now stop worrying before you give yourself a panic attack."

I smile at his small gesture thanking him with a small kiss. I pull away smiling up at him, "Ok then, I'll go."

Katsuki turns away to hide his blush, "Uh-....fine whatever. It will be you, shitty hair, dunce face, plain face, and I.

I smile kissing his cheek, "I love when you try to hide your blush, it's cute."

Katsuki turns back to me scoffing, "Ok but when we're in front of my friends and family don't pull shit like this."

I laugh at his ridiculous request, "So I can't act like your girlfriend?"

"No pda or saying things that could make me seem weak." He explains resulting in an eye roll from me.

"And what things make you weak Katsuki?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Katsuki leans down so our noses graze each other, "Don't go acting like you're the one in control here pink eyes. It's my birthday weekend after all."

I giggle, "Yeah ok Katsuki, we'll see about that."

Katsuki pulls away rolling his eyes, "Tsk, let's just go to sleep. We have an early morning."

"Anything for you my humble lord." I mock his previous comment bowing to him.

Katsuki shakes his head, "That's it." Before I can react Katsuki picks me up, throwing me on the bed.

"Katsuki I thought we had an early morning."

"Shut up, it can wait."

I smile not saying another word. So easy Katsu, so easy.


"Y/n! I'm so happy you're coming!" Denki celebrates seeing me walk out of the dorm with Katsuki. For the last 4 months I've actually gotten pretty close with Denki, Hanta, and Eijiro. We would have gotten closer sooner but it took a lot of convincing Katsuki to let him trust them. But once he finally did it wasn't hard to become good friends with them. Compared to Katsuki they're all a lot more friendly and conversational.

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