I'm Not a Villain

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I could feel tears dripping down my face, as I ran through the woods. I couldn't go back to the camp site like that but I knew I couldn't stay watching my uncle replace me.

I'm so selfish, that's what Hitoshi would probably say. I mean Eri is his daughter and I know she had a really bad childhood. So I'm happy she found someone to help guide her and be there. In fact she was a lot like me, in the sense she had no control over her quirk. So yeah I'm happy for her that she has a role model, a father. But why did it have to be my uncle.

I kept running until I got to a clearing on the other side of the lake. Immediately I starting panting from running so long, while still crying. It's like I couldn't stop even if I tried. I grabbed a rock beside me chucking it at the lake, "WHY HIM, GOD DAMN IT."

I continue chucking rocks into the river, "Why'd you choose him. Why did you take away the one man who stood by me through everything." I don't think I was yelling at Eri, it wasn't her fault after all. I was more yelling at the world.

I continued to yell until I felt my throat get so raspy I could barely even speak. I still had a lot of pent of anger and it was still too early so I continued to throw rocks and cry.

"Damn pink eyes, you have a weak ass throw." I hear a laugh coming from behind me.

"Bakugo," I barely whisper.

"Weren't you supposed to be training with your uncle or something. Or did he realize it was pointless and let you go."

"Go away," I say a little louder straining my throat.

I hear Bakugo approach closer and then looking down at me. I don't meet his eyes I can just feel his gaze on me.

"Hey loser don't ignore me, it's boring then."

Slowly I turn my head meeting his eyes I see him immediately panic seeing the stage I'm in. "Damn it pink eyes, what happened?"

"Didn't I say to go away." I say hearing my voice crack.

"C'mon y/n I can't ignore seeing you like this. Just spit it out." He demands sitting next to me.

I take a deep breath, "Well, my mom thinks I could be a villain and my uncle aka the only person who always stuck by my side has replaced me. I mean this camping trip is supposed to be fun, it used to always be my favorite thing. Now it's all different. My mom only cares about my brothers who's an asshole. Momos nice but it's so painfully obvious she's likes Shoto and she won't do anything about it. And I mean you're here and you fucking hate me, making one of your life goals to ruin my life. Well sorry to tell ya but my fucked up family beat us to it. And I mean I-" Before I can finish I feel a hand wrap around my cheek. Bakugo turns my head towards him gently. It's as if he's analyzing my face.

"You still talk too much."he says with his hand still on my cheek.

"So-sorry," I stutter. His face is different, he seems less mad and more concerned.

"Your eyes are pink again you know," he says looking at my eyes.

"Yeah it's because I'm crying, whenever I'm overflowed with a certain emotion they turn pink." I explain.

He nods a little before going back to examining my face. I was so tried from crying I didn't even move.

Bakugos POV

Damn it. Her eyes, they were beautiful. They were so beautiful and they were stained with tears. I knew her life was rough, but never to this extent. I just wanted to help her, to hug her, to kiss her. No. What the fuck, no. I hate her, and she hates me. She didn't even want me to go on this trip. Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe staying away from her would have made me hate her again. Putting this other feeling behind me.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now