Goodbye Touya

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"Ok so a week from tomorrow we infiltrate the league. Midnight and Hitoshi handle containment. Eraser, me, and Y/n are on restraining them and one on one. Momo is our resources. Rock lock will be leader on infiltration and then go help with containment. Dynamite, Deku, Shoto, and Endeavor are our main offense. And I'm pretty sure that covers it." Keigo finishes going over the plan and is responded to with our confirming nods.

"This plan doesn't sound half bad anymore." Rock lock adds stealing a look at me.

"Well thank you, I thought of it myself." Keigo brags.

"Who cares who plan it was, let's just get this IV out of my arm." I say poking at the needle that's been in my arm all evening.

"Oh yeah special thanks to our fallen hero Touya!" Keigo thanks Touya who currently looks dead.

"Something tells me he didn't hear you Hawks." Shoto says poking fun at Keigo.

"That's ok. Even if it's not real, it's nice to think I'm at a mission briefing with my best friend." Keigo smiles before looking down hiding his face.

"Ok then, if that's all, mission briefing is officially over. Goodbye everyone." My uncle says standing to leave. Everyone clears out of the room but Keigo is still sitting with his head down.

"Hey you coming?" Bakugo asks standing up.

"Yeah just give me a moment I'll catch up." I tell him looking down at the IV still in my arm.

"Ok I'll see you out there." He leaves the room leaving just me, Touya, and Keigo.

I look over at Touya who's next to me and finally give in whispering, "Go be the friend you were supposed to be."

Touya looks at me and smiles, "Gotcha pinky."

I watch as he stands among his way over to Keigo greeting him, "Hey bird brain, what's up?"

"T-Touy-Touya?" Kiego says puzzled looking up.

"Holy shit are you crying?" Touya notices trying not to laugh. Sad thing is, he used to laugh at us crying when we were little.

"Yeah asshole, my best friend is a villain!" Keigo shouts at him.

"Oh damn, I am a villain. That's rough bud." Touya says jokingly.

"Yeah you are, and yes it does suck!" Keigo yells crossing his arms.

Touya places a hand on Keigos shoulder and smiles, "Hey Keigo, guess what? I'm not a villain right now."

"Well you are, pinky's just blocking that out of your mind so you could speak to me like Touya would. But really Touyas long gone, your just Dabi now." Keigo puts his head back down seeming to have given up.

"Ok and so what? Right now I'm what Touya would be if he was still here and you're just gonna pass that up. If you are then you really haven't gotten any smarter in all the years I've been gone." Touya snake Keigos head causing him to look up again.

Keigo looks at Touya for a moment thinking. That's never good. Then he stands up smiling, "Well Touya, even if it isn't real it's nice to see you again old friend."

"There he is! Now let's get real, who is that rabbit girl?" Touya ask his old friend.

"Oh you mean Mirko?" Keigo says remembering his usual team up partner.

"Yeah her! Now tell me, you hit that yet?" Touya asks with a devilish grin. I shouldn't be here. But I have to incase the command disappears for some reason.

"Woah woah there bud. Of course I haven't, not yet. I'm just taking things slow." He gives Touya the same evil grin.

"That's ma boy! Slow and steady wins the race. Oh one other question." Touya says happy for his friend.

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