Feelings and stuff

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"Oh Bakugo do you also read manga?" Momo ask motioning to the two bags.

Bakugo who must have forgot he was also carrying Manga stays silent unsure of what to say.

"Oh that's actually all mine." I say trying to make up for me annoying him earlier.

Shoto smiles, "Ah yes, you always were a big fan. I see you're still buying out the stores."

I smile back at him holding in my embarrassment, "Yeah I guess it is a lot."

"You know what, I'm glad we got out today." Momo randomly says as the waiter comes by setting down our food.

"Yeah I agree today was enjoyable," Shoto says getting ready to eat his soba.

"Yeah it was pretty fun," I say setting up my chopsticks. Before eating we all look at Bakugo whos already slurping down his ramen.

He looks up seeing us all stare and scoffs, "What extras."

"Well didn't you enjoy your time with y/n?" Momo ask giving flashing me one of her comforting smiles.

Bakugo looks over at me and then back to Momo, "I would have rather stayed home."

"Uh, Bakugo be nice." Momo says hitting him across the table.

"Don't hit me you hag, I'll kill you!" He says pushing back her hand.

"God I don't know how you're dating him y/n." She says rolling her eyes. There it is again. I look over to Bakugo to see if he's going to correct her but he just shakes his head in anger before going back to his ramen.

For some reason him jot correcting her made me really happy. I could feel a smile creep onto my face, and my quirk had activated. Oh god what's happening to me?

Bakugo looks over to me seeing me smiling like a complete fool. Swallowing his ramen he ask, "Why are you looking at me like that? And why are your eyes pink loser?"

I feel my face get red and I look back down to my ramen, "Oh nothing. Just thought of something."

"And you ask why she's dating me. Look what I put up with." He says bluntly before going back to his food. Oh my god. Did he just say that? Wait, no way. When did we get together? The night of the dance? The first time we made out? I had so many questions but here I was slurping down my ramen trying to not die from embarrassment.

I felt my whole body shaking, and my face was still burning. It was almost like the feeling I had when Bakugo and Toshi were fighting but this time I wasn't angry, I was nervous and scared. I was terrified.

My breathing starts to get out of control until I felt a hand grip my thigh. I look down and see Bakugos hand there, and I feel myself stop shaking. Even though the feeling of fear was still there him putting his hand down made me calm enough to stop shaking. And for the rest of lunch Bakugo didn't remove his hand.

"Oh my, you two were right about how beautiful this place is." Momo says as we get to the lake me and Shoto would play at as kids. Funny enough it was the same place me and Uncle Shouta trained and the same place me and Monama ran to the time we skipped school.

"You really think we'd lie?" I ask taking in the beautiful scene myself.

"Well I just thought you guys were over exaggerating, but this place is really beautiful." Momo says watching as a mom and her two kids walk by laughing.

"Hey Momo, you should check out my favorite spot over there with me." Shoto says pointing to a bench at the end of the lake.

Momo nods and the two walk off leaving me and Bakugo alone again. I look over at him to see he's staring at the lake lost in his own thoughts.

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