Touya Part 2

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With watery eyes I turn my head facing him, "Right. Sorry about that....Touya."

He smiles a little his ice cold glare however remains, "There she is, your pink eyes and all. You must be be pretty upset if they're out."

I make my way over to the table sitting down across from him, "Well so far you seem to be telling the truth."

"What you mean you didn't believe me when I said I was Touya. I bet it was my father. Is that jackass over there. Send him in pinky."

I bite the inside of my mouth trying to remain calm, "Don't call me that. And I can't get your father, I have to do this."

He widens his eyes a little more, "Oh what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to confirm you're Touya. Pretty easy to figure out."

A playful look takes over his face, "Oh so your quirk got even better. You took me by surprise last night by how fast you activated it."

"Well it's been nearly 10 years, I've practiced a bit."

"I see that, how's Toshi been?" He asks suddenly getting serious again.

"Oh so you care about him still?" I question.

He shrugs, "It's less me caring and more me being interested."

I think to me and Hitoshis last conversation. He clearly cared for Touya and I could tell right now listening to this hearing that he didn't really care must have hurt.

"Yeah, he's doing really good. He'd probably beat me in a fight." I respond remembering how hard Hitoshi trains at home.

Touya looks intrigued at my response, "Oh so is that sibling rivalry finally gone. Or are you trying to be a good sister pretending Toshi is stronger than you?"

I grip the table hard, "I'm not lying, Toshi is stronger than me. He's smarter in fights, and he can block out the controlling part of my quirk. He'd probably beat me."

"Wow never took you for the modest type. Just admit it, Toshis never had what it takes to be a hero. A villain on the other hand-"

"Shut up. Just stop. Toshi isn't weak, and he sure as hell wouldn't be a villain. He grew up and got stronger, all because of you." I say staring down cutting him off.

Touyas eyes widen with amusement, "Oh did I make her mad. Never thought I'd see you protecting Toshi."

I felt my quirk activating. Wait no it had already activated. Something was happening. I couldn't control it. My whole body was shaking as I faced Touya, "Just shut up, you good for nothing villain."

Touyas face changes again back to his more serious look, "Your eyes. They're red. What the fuck y/n."

I quickly stand up and cover my eyes with my hands. Red? Why are they red? They're never red. I try to call myself down realizing I still haven't officially confirmed it was Touya. Pretty damn obvious though.

Slowly taking a breath I sit down. I think I manage to calm myself as I feel my normal quirk energy coursing through my body. I lock eyes with Touya and within seconds I'm in.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now