Bonus: Coming Out

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Hitoshi POV

I'm gay. I don't like women. I am a homosexual.

God. It's so easy to tell myself that and I still can't tell anyone else. Besides Neito that is, but he is my boyfriend so that doesn't really count. And besides it not like my sister doesn't basically know. She put it together way back at our 16th birthday. And now we're starting our second year in three days. Shit.

Neito luckily is very patient. He himself has been out as bi for years. I however never told a soul that I wasn't attracted to girls. Until I met Neito that is.

"Toshi? Are you okay? You're being awfully quiet." Neito looks up at me from my lap a concerned smile on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous thinking about school." I lie to him not wanting another conversation about me coming out.

It's not like he pushes me to come out, in fact it's the complete opposite. He told me he'd wait however long I wanted, but I always see his face sadden when I lie about us to someone.

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be just like last year." He assures me as clueless as ever.

"Yeah, probably." I respond laying my head back against the edge of my bed.

That's it. I'm coming out.


"What the fuck do you want dead eyes." Bakugo, my sisters behemoth of a boyfriend, answers the door.

"I'm assuming my sister is in there and you aren't just sitting in her dorm room alone." I say having no time for his usual asshole-ness.

"Why do you want to see her?" He asks as if I'm some stranger.

"She's my fucking sister you jerk, now let me in." I say starting to get annoyed.

Bakugo rolls his eyes and looks behind him into the room. He turns back sighing, "She's getting dressed, she can talk in a minute."

"Bakugo is my sister naked?"

"No, she put a shirt on."

"You disgust me."

"Good thing you're not the twin I'm fucking."


"KATSUKI! TOO FAR!" Y/n yells from somewhere inside her room.

Bakugo rolls his eyes again before walking back, "She'll come out when she's done."

Way to pick them y/n.


"What do you need Toshi, I was doing something." Y/n finally opens the door almost as annoyed as Bakugo was.

"Y/n I need to tel you something important." I say to her as serious as possible.

With a look of contemplation she finally turns leaving room for me to walk in, "We can talk in here then."

"Blondie has to go." I tell her looking over to Bakugo whos on his phone lying on her bed.

"Katsu go hang out with Kiri or something." She tells him making him look up from his phone.

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