So Basically, You Fucked my Uncle

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Midnights POV

The pain growing in my heart had consumed my whole body. I had had fallen completely weak to this new addition to y/ns quirk. It must have had something to eat do with the enhancements and experiments done to her as a toddler.

More over however I found myself pondering on how much of this was truly her pain alone. I know when I first fell copying the position she must have been in I was struck with a harsh wave of sadness but upon finding out it was y/ns emotions I felt myself alone breaking.

I knew it was my fault, all those days she'd spend asking for a dad. I suppose since she had stopped constantly asking she had finally grown away from the idea. That however just turned out to be another example of me doing the bare minimum as a parent. I never seemed to care her drifting away from me and closer to Shouta. Perhaps a part of me had wanted her to experience life with what she so strongly wanted, even it was without her knowing.

No matter what choices I made in the past the reasons for them, they were wrong. The second y/n had asked to know who her father was I should have come clean. I shouldn't had let her go though all that. The crying at night from nightmares, and then her asking for a father to tuck in. The shame she felt from the mean comments of her classmates. There were so many reasons for me to tell them the truth. But I was so caught up in the haste and irrational decision I made at age 17.

And oh god Shouta. There was no time for him to truly digest the news I dropped on him. Sure Shouta had always been there for the twins but much like how y/n felt he was always wary of the line between uncle and father. I must admit, he failed horribly in that regard. I'm sure if given the choice y/n would have left me the moment she found out he was her dad. Maybe that's why I didn't let it slip. I was so scared of losing what little of y/n I had that subconsciously I made sure to never let my secret out.

I guess it's all too late now. Y/n felt like she lost Shouta and surely she would hate me for the rest of her life. Not that I blame her, I hate me too.


Fuck. I couldn't feel anything right now. My uncle was gone. What little of the mother I enjoyed was gone. I'd never have a real dad. And now I couldn't even bring myself to stand. I needed something, someone, I needed him.

I don't know how long I spent on the floor. I couldn't feel my legs but my hands were mobile. I pushed myself to my knees turning to check on Momo. She had started crying along with me and then after a while it just stopped.

"Mo- WHAT THE FUCK MOMO!" I screamed seeing my best friend lay lifeless on the ground. Her limp hands fell off of my back her whole body slumping onto the floor.

"Oh no no no no no. What did I do?" I shook Momos body looking for some reaction, "Momo please get up, you can't leave me too. I need you, please Momo."

My begging is cut short by the hallow knock at the door, "Y/n? Sweetie, are you in there?"

That voice. He was here? "Uncle Mic?" I call out my voice just barely hearable.

"Oh thank god y/n. I was so worried, I just got here. Can I come in?" He ask a strong sense of worry in his tone.

Before answering I look down remembering I'm in nothing but a bra and spandex, I quickly crawl over to Momos closet scattering around her hoodies before finding one large enough to throw over.

Now comfortably in the sweatshirt I call back to him my voice already beginning to break, "U-uh yeah, y-you can co-....come in."

Without words I watch as the doorslowly opens as my uncle emerges immediately finding me huddled up against the wall by Momos closet.

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