Goodnight Pink Eyes

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"I think the song going to end soon uncle Shouta," I say hearing the song reach towards its closing.

"Oh ok, where's Monoma for me to hand you off to," he ask searching the room.

I remember he just got here unaware of the previous incident earlier tonight, "Oh right Uncle shouta, Monoma got hurt earlier so I don't have a partner. It's ok though we can just-"

"Um sorry to interrupt but sir may I cut in?" Bakugo emerges behind my uncle. Bakugo? Why's he here, and why's he all beat up.

My uncle simply smiles as his grabs my hand beginning the traditional hand off ceremony. He leads my hand to Bakugos who gently grabs it pulling me a little closer to him.

"Students your fathers have now handed you off showing a sign of you entering your older adolescent years, you may begin the dance."

"Do you even know this dance?" I ask as Bakugo stares waiting for the music.

He looks at me with a confused look, "Yeah of course why wouldn't I? I may not have actually danced but I had to watch the dance lessons. Part of my punishment for the fight."

"Ok then, next question." I say hearing to music begin.

Bakugo begins the dance moving in closer to me our faces only inches apart. "Oh yeah what's that?" He whispers looking into my eyes.

"Why'd you help me? You know go bring my uncle here." I ask as me and Bakugo step back.

Bakugo spins me to his chest turning away, "I have no idea what you mean."

I place my hand on his chest spinning out, "Don't play stupid, I can tell by your clothes. Just tell me why."

He turns back looking at me again, "It was nothing don't make it a big deal, I just didn't want you moping around the dorm. And I didn't want to help you get through another panic attack."

"So you do care?" I ask smirking a little.

"Tsk, we should just focus on the dance." He says but I see a smile play on his lips for a second.

Although I want to ask more I don't want to get him annoyed so instead I listen focusing on the dance. This felt different then rehearsals and practice, maybe it's because I was with Bakugo and not Monoma. The moves seemed less like directions I had remembered and more natural as if I was moving on my own.

For the rest of the dance me and Bakugo hadn't taken our eyes off each other. Around half way through I could feel my quirk activate making Bakugo blush ever so lightly, "Your eyes are pink you know pink eyes."

I simply smiled at his observation trying not to blush that hard. I think right now I was understanding what Momo had said earlier. Maybe she was right, something about dancing right here right now with Bakugo made me not hate the fact that I was doing a fancy dance, or that I was in a dress. Right now the only two people in the gym dancing were me and Bakugo.

I felt the dance nearing its end knowing that meant it was almost time for the big lift, I look at Bakugo smiling a little, "Think you can handle this."

"I've been able to handle you for this long, one lift shouldn't hurt," he teases.

Next thing I knew the moment was here and as I stepped left I felt Bakugos hands move to the proper position and at that moment everything was silent. His hands felt so natural around my waist and I looked down my hand placed on his shoulders.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now