She's not Normal

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"Pink eyes, it's time." Bakugos voice breaks through my sleep waking me up from our nap after school.

I roll over in my bed yawning, "Oh wonderful can't wait."

"It's just the mission briefing, not the actual mission so don't be like that loser." Bakugo reminds me sitting up in the bed.

"Yeah but I still don't want to go."

"That's just because you're lazy."

"So rude."

"Just get up, and get ready." He tells me standing up.

"Ok but first come here." I say sitting up in the bed.

Bakugo trots over and looks down at me annoyed, "What do you want?"

I smile at him sweetly putting my hand around his neck pulling him down to my level. "I haven't actually kissed you in so long."

Bakugos mood lightens a bit and he whispers back, "Is now really the time?"

In response I kiss him gently feeling his hands each around me. I feel him turn my body as he moves his hands again to my legs, wrapping them around his waist. He picks me up and pulls away smiling, "Ok let's get ready."

"Are you kidding me? You can't just pick me up just to tell me to get ready again! That's so rude!" I yell hitting his back.

"Be careful idiot or I'm going to drop you on your ass." He tells me moving over towards my closet.

"Bakugo we can be a little late, let's just go back to bed. It's so early, I don't want to get ready yet." I complain to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"You're really clingy you know." He says finally putting me down, "Now get ready, we have to go soon."

"Again you're so rude, just go get ready I'll meet you downstairs." I open up my closet searching for an outfit.

"Whatever pink eyes." He turns walking out of my room. God he's such a jerk.

"Alright we all ready?" Keigo asks looking around at the team we had selected last time we were out. On one side of me was Bakugo and Deku and the other there was Shoto and Momo. My uncle and Keigo were facing us all and we're waiting for us when we came down.

"Yes I believe this is everyone." My uncle says looking around to make sure this everyone Keigo told him about.

"Ok great, you can release them now y/n!" He says smiling towards me.

"Oh uh alright, release." Shoto and my uncle immediately shake their heads and look back up at me and Keigo with their memories now back.

"No before you get all mad at pinky, just know I was the one who made her do it." Keigo says to help take the blame off me.

"Great, so I only have to freeze you." Shoto states with an ice cold glare aimed towards Kiego.

"I cannot believe you made her use her quirk on us only to tell us a few days later." Uncle Shouta scolds him shaking his head in disappointment.

"Guys guys please, we needed to. No one could know the mission was top secret, we weren't sure what we'd find out. Who thought we'd end up having a follow up mission." Keigo laughs nervously backing away.

"I'm still going to freeze you." Shoto steps towards Kiego activating the ice on his right hand.

I step in between the two before Shoto can use his quirk, "Let's just go. Uncle Enji and who ever else Hawks has recruited probably wouldn't like it if we're late."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now