Me and Bakugo Made Out, my Bad

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KATSUKI!" I'm greeted by Camies familiar yell when entering the dorms.

"Some things never change I suppose," Shoto says beside me.

"Yep you're-" I start.


I laugh at her outburst, "Camie I don't even know what to say anymore, I'm not the reason he broke up with you. Don't you think if you guys break up so much then maybe you're the problem?"

To my side I see Momo shocked trying to control her laugh. Camie however looks like her head might blow off, "Oh you bitch. You know what I hope you two are happy. Just stay out of my life." She storms past us hitting Shoto on the way out.

"Ow, why did she hit me?" He ask rubbing his arm.

"Who cares, she's gone. That's good," I shrug walking in.

"Got that right," Momo agrees. "Hey y/n I think I'm going to have a girls night tonight do you want to come?" She ask stoping me at the stairs.

"Yeah sure I'll be there," I say walking up.

I walk past Bakugos dorm room on the way to mine. Originally I was going to go straight to his but I figured I'd stop and put my stuff down first.

When I get to my room I open the door letting out a huge sigh of relief.

"Someone's happy to see me." Bakugo says sitting in my bed. Wait what?

"Bakugo? Why are you in my room?" I ask dropping my stuff at my feet.

"You were going to go to my room eventually weren't you?" He ask almost as if he can read my mind.

I walk taking a seat at my desk, "Uh maybe?"

"Yeah and I hate people in my room, so I just came here instead." He looks at me to say something next but I'm frozen. I didn't actually plan what to say when I talked to him. Well besides one thing.

"Why the fuck did you tell my mom and uncle what I said. That was supposed to be private dick." I ask trying my best to seem angry.

Bakugo scoffs rolling his eyes, "That? I just couldn't take them sitting so idly by your bed thinking they didn't do anything wrong. It was sickening."

I take a deep breath trying to keep my voice low, "Ok but it was a private family matter. I could have handled it without you."

"This is what I get for giving a shit." He gets up heading for the door.

I grab his wrist as he walks by, "Wait, please"

I turn looking down at me until he chair, "What?" His voice changed back. It was calm but it wasn't gentle. It sounded like he hated me again. Damn it.

"I'm sorry, I know you just wanted to help. And for that, thanks." I struggle to say looking down.

I hear Bakugo laugh a little, "It was nothing. Anything else pink eyes?"

I sigh a little still not looking up, "Uh yeah, about the woods."

He sighs, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you have a soft side."

"No not that."

"Oh? What then?" He teases me. He knows what he's doing.

"Uh well, you know we were in the woods- and well you know we kinda almost-" I ramble before feeling a hand lift my chin. Bakugos hands reaches down lifting my chin to face him. I notice him smile a little when he sees my face.

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