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"Hi I'm y/n!" I jump out from behind my mother greeting the shy boy in front of me.

He puts his head down mumbling, "Uh hi I'm Shoto."

"Want to play?" I ask walking up to him.

"Y/n don't he so hasty he seems quite shy like your brother." My mom holds my hand to keep me from walking.

"Ah no way Nemuri let em play, my kid needs to learn to put himself out there!" The big man with flaming hair pats his son on the head.

"So play?" I ask looking up to my mother.

"Well of Shoto wishes to the yes you and your brother may play with him." She smiles letting me ago.

"Mommy I don't want to play, it's too cold." My brother complains cloning on to our moms leg.

Right as my brother complains I feel a single drop of snow fall on my head. Excited I look up and see snowflakes have started to little the sky. The boy I've just met also looks up feeling the snow fall on him.

"Snow!" I laugh jumping in midst of the flurries.

"I like....snow." The boy whispers looking around as the snow slowly covers the ground.

I beam running over grabbing him by the wrist, "THEN LETS PLAY!"

"Whoa!" He lets out bad I drag him to the grass.

"Come on Shoto! Let's play!" I laugh falling onto the grass pulling him down with me.

"You're strange." He says landing next to me.

"That's a big word Shoto. Just have fun!" I roll over to face him hopeful I've met a new playmate.

"Just have fun?" He asks like he's never had fun before.

"Yep! And smile more, it's good for you, see!" I flash him a big toothy smile.

"Uh ok I'll try." He mumbles trying his best to smile at me.

See him try without success makes me laugh, "You're really funny Shoto!"

"You think so?" He asks unsure.

"Uh huh! And I think we are going to be best friends!" I tell him getting myself to my feet.

"Best friends?" He ask pushing himself up.

"Yeah, I promise me and you are gonna be best friends forever! Now c'mon let's play in the snow!" I beam looking around at the snow which has now left a light layer of white on the ground.

Shoto stares at me for a second before I notice I small smile creep onto his face, "Yeah let's go play." And play we did, for the rest of the day and for nearly 13 years after that.


The memory I have of meeting Shoto is the first thing that's comes to my mind when I notice the snow falling outside from inside the restaurant.

Bakugo turns away from the front counter where checking out,"Ok bills all payed you ready to-"

"C'mon! It's snowing!" I beam pulling him out of the restaurant.

"Ah what the- pink eyes calm down!" He called out trying to pull me back.

"Bakugo stop pulling me back, it's snowing!" I push through the door out into the city sidewalk seeing it covered in snow and bright lights.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now