The End

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Takes place 8 years after wedding, y/n and Bakugo are 30.

"Kataro, Oboro, and Irome, come down stairs we're leaving soon!" I yell up to my three young children who are all probably still in bed.

Only one year after our wedding Katsuki and I welcomed our first son Kataro, and then one year after that we had Oboro our middle child. And finally after 3 years we had our youngest and only daughter, Irome. (pronounced Eero-may)

To say the three had different personalities would be an understatement. Kataro my oldest is exactly like Katsuki, and has pretty much the same quirk too. He can create explosions except his grow stronger with fusing emotion. He also has the ability to do something similar to aneurism quirk, by essentially setting off an explosion in someone's mind.

And also like Katsuki, he loves to brag. He's cocky and has a pretty bad temper. But when he's not running or chasing someone like a serial killer, he's very nice. Though he's typically chasing someone around, may it be his friend, sibling, or some random person that bumped into him. We're trying to help him get past that though.

Next is my middle child Oboro. And even though he's only 6, he's one of the smartest kids I've ever met. We honestly don't know how he came to be the way he is. He's calm, likes read, and enjoys learning. He's definitely different in that regard Burt he does carry what Katuski calls my sarcastic trait. He loves outsmarting his brother, and when around friends his expected competitive side comes out.

His quirk is also a nice mix of ours. He has Katsukis explosions but they are actually all different colors. Each signifies a different emotion and is able to use them on people if the explosion hits his target. He doesn't really like using his quirk though, unless it's with his family. Even then he prefers ending fights the smartest and least quirk needed way possible.

And finally the baby and youngest in the family is my daughter Irome. Her quirk like mine showed up very young, only a year ago on her 2 birthday. We've worked hard controlling it and luckily with the help of my father, she already has a pretty good grip on it.

Her quirk itself is a lot like mine. She's able to control and manipulate people's minds. The only added kick is that she also happened to develop Katsukis explosion quirk. Quite honestly, it's terrifying. A toddler with a mind control and explosion quirk? No thank you.

But like I said, we've trained her and she has better control than I did. Her personality on the other hand, is exactly like mine. She hates dressing up, and is totally obsessed with becoming a hero. Her attitude is also the same. Not that I mind, but it really messes with my dad. Especially when we're both together with him.

Also like me, her and Katsuki get along great. And I mean, if you thought Katsuki acted differently with me you haven't seen anything yet. Katsuki refuses to yell at her, and I've never seen him punish her for anything. Little brat has him wrapped around her finger. Must run in the family.

But yeah, that's my family. Three very different but also very sweet kids. Ok well Irome and Oboro are very sweet.

"Good morning mom." Oboro greets me walking down the stairs in his perfectly fitted pajamas.

"Hey Oboro, ready to go out with your cousins?" I ask him as he sits down at the table to eat his already prepared breakfast.

"Sure. Can't wait when Kataro, Rekori (Ray-Cory) and Tohane (Toe-on-ay)  start fighting five minutes in." He says taking a sip from his orange juice.

I laugh at his statement adding, "Or when Kopa tries to join in and they end up ganging up on him."

Oboro smiles at that adding on to the likely outcome of the meeting, "Leaving me and Mairu to watch and judge our annoying family members."

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