I Lost

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"Alright two down, three to go! Nice job Toytoy!" Keigo gives Touya a high five nearly stepping on the head of Toga.

"That was easier than I thought." Touya adds.

"Ok I'll say it again, what the fuck just happened?" I repeat still sitting tied in the chair.

"Oh yeah let's get you out those." Keigo laughs walking over to me.

"Keigo answer my fucking question." I tell him though he ignores me untying my restraints.

"Touya you have the papers right?" He asks checking in on Touya who walks over to a table in the corner picking up random documents.

"Yep, right here." He holds them in the air smiling proudly.

"I swear to god if you two don't-"

"Be quiet y/n, the adults are speaking." Keigo interrupts me not even looking back at me.

"Fuck off Keigo. I'm going to kill you, I hate you." I state still unsure whether or not what he said was true.

"Y/n I said be-OW FUCK" He tries scolding me again but I use my now free leg kicking him as hard as I could.

"I said tell me what happened or I'll fucking kill you." I warn him realizing I'm starting to speak a lot like Bakugo.

"Pinky. Your eyes are red." Keigo tells me even though I had already known that.

"Yeah no duh, I'm pissed." I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah and let's say me and Touya previously told you this was all a set up, think your eyes would be red?" Keigo asks as my mind starts to price things together.

"No cause they go with my emotions I can change them on command." I explain to him even though I'm not completely sure that's true since this is new for me.

"Exactly. So we had to make it as real as possible so they bought the act, even though that meant saying all the horrible things I did." Keigo finally explains though I still have questions.

"But why? Why'd you have to put me through that?" I ask feeling like this was a bit over the top, even for Keigo.

"Because there's important papers in here only the LOV knew about and since we had Touya I figured it'd be a perfect way to get those papers and also take down two members. And look, we also found the devices that block your quirk." Keigo thumbs around pointing to the device on his neck.

Keigo turns back looking at me with an obvious look of regret and sadness. It was clear he really hadn't wanted to do this the way he had yet he knew he had to. He did it for the mission, the mission for me.

Letting out a sigh I stand up crossing my arms, "Well I'm still mad, but, I forgive you."

Keigo jumps up celebrating "YAY!" He pulls me into a hug and for once I don't immediately dodge or pull away.

He was a complete idiot who had just tricked me into thinking he was about to kill me. Yet somehow, at the same time, he was still my big brother. Maybe I was a fool for giving in so easily, but Keigo was one of the few whoever cared, and that I think is good enough reason for me to be a fool.

"Um hey guys? This is cute and all, but there's something in these papers you wanna hear." Touya cuts me and Keigos hug short voicing concern over something he's found.

"What's wrong Touya?" Keigo asks becoming his serious self again.

"Y/n. What type of quirk do you have?" Touya asks rather randomly

"Emitter, at least that's what it's classified as." I tell him remembering from when I filled out my UA entrance form.

"Well in these papers from 13 years ago it says you originally had a mutation quirk and now it's a transformation quirk. And it's name is charmer." Touya says reading off of one of the papers.

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