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While walking to my room Bakugo tried his best to talk about the previous events, "Y/n....."

"I don't want to talk about it." I tell him, not even knowing where to begin.

"Y/n." He says my name again this time stopping.

"What?"I ask holding back a yawn. It seems the exhaustion has fully caught up with me.

"Let's spend the night in my room." He says looking to right where his room is while mine was to the left.

"Huh?" Are the first words to leave my mouth at his sudden openness to his room.

"We always sleep in your room, let's sleep in mine tonight." He tells me squeezing my hand a little helping to calm me down.

"I-uh....alright." I whisper letting lead us through his door.

His room is just like we left it earlier with all decorations for my present still in place. I wish I had just stayed in here back then, them maybe all of this would've never happened. I could've gone on with my life, never knowing who my father was. I imagine it'd be better that way.

"Bakugo this room really is-......Bakugo?" I start to compliment the room again but am cut short by Bakugo surprising me with a hug.

He buries his head into my shoulder his words almost a whisper, "I was so fucking worried."

"Bakugo there's nothing worry about, let's just get some sleep." I do my best to assure him of my safety but his body still as tense as ever squeezes me tighter.

"We felt it y/n, we all know how you felt. It made me fucking sick. I just had to sit there sobbing not able to help." He explains revealing more news about what actually happened. They felt it? I knew they were crying like me, but no one told me they had felt it. Did they know why I felt it? This new addition was quite troublesome.

"Bakugo I really don't want to-"

"I know you don't want to talk about it. You don't have to.......but please......let me just hold you right now." His last words come out more like a plead cashing me to worry.

"Bakugo.....are you ok?" I ask running a hand through his hair trying my best to crumble in front of him.

"I'll go back to being a dick soon enough, please just let me be weak for a little while longer." His body loosened up as if those words were more for him than me.

I knew calling himself weak left a mark and how hard it was but he really wasn't weak. We'd had this conversation before, but somethings just don't change. Still though, it stung to hear it from him. "Katsuki......look at me," I whisper using his first name to see I'm serious.

Slowly Bakugo picked his head up letting me look at him to see his tired face. Seeing him like this truly was bittersweet. He had a beautiful face when his facial features were calm and gentle but I knew how much he hated looking like this. He felt weak and vulnerable, like he couldn't do anything.

I had never been in this position before. It's always been him consoling me, and I was worried, would I be able to help him?

"Ba-....Katsuki.....I know you feel weak. I know you think that seeing you like this is torture, but please listen to me when I say: you're not weak, never are you weak. Being vulnerable and showing you care doesn't make you weak, it means you're human. Take as long as you want to hold me, because I'm not going anywhere. See this ring you gave me? It's not coming off anytime soon, so please don't feel weak to show you actually have emotions." I picked up my hand showing off the ring he had given to me hours ago.

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