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"GET OFF ME!" Bakugos screams scares me awake. I jump up in the bed looking over at a sleeping Bakugo. Though he's sleeping I see the sweat building up on his forehead and that he's shaking.

I think back to when he told me he sometimes had nightmares about the sludge villain and figure that's what's happening. Without much time to think I move over leaning over Bakugo trying to wake him up, "Bakugo it's a nightmare wake up."

"GET OFF! JUST GET OFF!" He continues to yell shaking uncontrollably.

At this point desperate I place my hands on his cheeks begging him, "Bakugo please wake up it's a nightmare!"

Bakugo doesn't wake up and instead I feel a sharp pain in the side of my ribs and I realize he's blasted my side using his quirk. "FUCK!" I scream holding on my side trying to ease the pain.

Realizing I can't lose focus I push my own pain aside grabbing Bakugo by the shoulders, "BAKUGO WAKE UP!"

"GET OFF!" With his yell I feel another blast get sent into my side causing me to roll over still holding onto him. He rolls over on top of me and I finally see him open his eyes lying over me.

"Y/n, what the fuck?" Is the first thing he says regaining focus. He looks down at me holding my side which he hit twice and panics, "Holy shit did I do that?"

"It's fine, you were having a nightmare." I wince at the pain coursing through my body.

Bakugo pants out of breath, "Oh my god, I hurt you. I hurt you. I hurt you. I hurt-"

I force my hands to move grabbing Bakugo by the cheeks to calm him down, "Bakugo, it's ok. I'm ok. Just calm down, everything's fine."

Bakugos eyes look less worried agreeing hearing me. He lets his head fall onto my chest and he whispers into the crook of my neck, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Doing my best to comfort him I run my hands through hair, "It's ok I promise, just get some sleep."

Bakugo doesn't answer but after a few minutes I feel his body relax still on top of mine. Though my side hurts a lot I don't want to get up and worry Bakugo so instead I don't stop running my hands through his hair until I eventually fall asleep as well.


Waking up I feel the weight of Bakugo still lying down on me. His head rested on my chest while his arms stayed wrapped around me.

I move my head making sure not to wake him as I checked the time. Bakugo would start his training around this time on most mornings but looking back at him he just seemed so peaceful I didn't want to wake him. After last night I figure he deserved to rest. It had taken me screaming nearly at the top of my lungs to just wake him up and then it took even longer just calm him down. On the other hand I can guarantee he'd be madder if I didn't wake him up and he missed his training time.

"Baku-owwwwww." I wince at the pain of Bakugos hit returning as I wake up more.

"Pi-pink eyes?" I hear Bakugo waking up. He picks up his head pushing up his hair to see me.

"H-hey." I whimper as his one arm tenses on my wound.

Bakugos face freezes as the event of the night come back to him. He quickly removes his hand from where he hit me scared he's made it worse. He looks down at me panicked, "Shit, pink eyes are you ok?"

"Yeah it's fine, probably just a bruise." I give him a weak smile not wanting him to know how much pain I'm actually in.

"Can I look at it?" He ask with a certain shakiness in his voice."

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