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"And now step left, and lift," the dance instructor the school hired directed us.

Monoma looked at me smiling gracefully lifting me into the air. I hated dancing but at least Monoma seemed good at it. Plus doing this gave me a good reason to avoid Bakugo.

"You dance beautifully y/n," Monoma smiles letting me down.

"Oh stop, you're the one doing everything. I'm just trying to catch up," I laugh at his false compliment.

"Well you could have had me fooled." He says probably just trying to be nice.

"Ok kids you may go get lunch now, you all did amazing today," the instructor stated walking out of the gym.

"Y/n would you like to get lunch with me?" Monoma ask as we go to gather our stuff.

"What in the cafeteria?" I laugh.

"No silly, let's go out. See the city, I'll buy you lunch." He suggests.

"You mean like skip the rest of school?"

"Yeah I suppose so, just take a break from this place. If not I totally un-"

"Let's go. I'll use my quirk and we'll get out easily," I smile excitedly.

"Seriously?" He ask doubtfully.

"Yeah let's do it." I say beaming with excitement.

"Wonderful let's go!" He says grabbing my hand leading us out of the gym.

We run down the back halls through the school. When we reach outside the sunlight shines brightly on us. We go around the long way in the front garden to the guard. I surprise him tapping his shoulder and smiling gently with my quirk activated.

"Hello sir," I smile sweetly.

"Oh uh hello young lady, wait... your eyes- oh no you're-"

"Can you please open the huge gate for us, and then not tell anyone we left." I ask staring into his frightened eyes.

He frightened eyes quickly ease and he turns opening up the gate. I turn to Monoma smiling realizing we're still holding hands. He smiles in amazement at that trick.

"You really are something else y/n. A lot better than the rest of your class at least," he smiles.

"Yeah yeah what ever. Let's just go, I have seen the city in forever!" I smile running out hand in hand with Monoma.

"You're like a child in a candy store!" Monoma yells trying to keep up.

To be honest I had no idea why I was so happy. It just felt like after so long being locked away in that school I was free. Nothing confining me anymore. My uncle wasn't here to cancel my quirk and Bakugo wasn't here to yell at me. I didn't have to worry about Momo or Shoto and them constantly asking me about the other. Looking back at Monoma the boy I barley knew something just felt so rejuvenating. Seeing him trying to catch me makes me stop taking a breath. I stare at him and then at the city in the daylight. People crowded the streets and all the kids laughing looking at their parents like they're their hero's. Everything just seemed so much brighter knowing I had a few moments of freedom. And the thought that my uncle would soon come out to find me made me laugh remembering the times he would chase me through the duty when I was young.

Monoma finally catches up looking up at me while I admire the city, I see him smile ever so gently, "Your eyes really are beautiful. It's like they shine, I can see why Toshis jealous."

I laugh at the statement, "My brother? Jealous of me? Because of my eyes? Yeah right, he may be jealous of my quirk but not my eyes."

Monoma shakes his head, "No no I swear. He was complaining about you one time because I pressured him to tell me about you. He had said, 'And god her eyes. Those stupid eyes. It's like they're a completely different quirk. When we were younger even without her using her quirk she could get people to follow her just by smiling. They would shine and glow whenever she smiled. It pissed me off so much when we were younger how whenever she got in trouble she'd just smile and say sorry and next thing you knew she was forgiven and we were getting ice cream.' And that's what he said"

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