Bonus: New Years Final Pt

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"Come on Toshi! Wouldn't it be amazing if mom and dad got together?!" I try an convince my brother of my plan for maybe the seventh time.

"They've never once shown any romantic interest in each other." He says leaning against the post as we stand outside the cabin waiting for the others to show up. Keigo really wanted to go sledding, so here we 6:13am on New Years Eve.

"Oh yeah? Then explain how we're here." I challenge him raising an eyebrow.

"Drunken mistake. And Mom hooked up with every male at UA when she was a student." Toshi it shrugs it off, annoying me that he as always is unwilling to accept something that isn't right in front of him.

"Toshi for once in your life can you try and believe something even if you can't see it for your own eyes. I heard them, they're in love and they have been for over 16 years. Now that there're both adults they don't have their parents to hold them back. They can finally be together happily. Doesn't sound nice?"

Toshi thinks for a moment and for a second I see a hint of empty at in his eye but it's quickly gone replaced with a scowl, "Nice or not, it won't happen. Even if there was something at one point it's gone now. What you heard was nothing more then the drunken mutterings of our parents."

Toshi goes to walk in, but I ate information of him blocking his path, "Toshi. Please, when have I ever begged you for something that was this serious? I mean come on Toshi, this is our parents happiness we're talking about. And even if you don't help I'm going to get them together. They wouldn't rest until I was happy so I can't just let them be lonely. Dad has been miserable since he let mom go years ago, he's always thought of her as someone special. And I know what it's like to have someone like that. Losing Katsuki would break me, and even though you deny it, I know you have someone special Ike that in your life. So please brother, can you please trust me just this once?"

"The rest should be out here soon," Toshi says breaking my hope as he quickly changes the subject. Toshi however takes a breath averting his eyes from mine, "So then we'll make this stupid plan. We're need more than just the two of us after all."

Without thinking I jump pulling my brother into a hug, "Yay! Thank you Toshi!"

"God, control yourself y/n." He groans but doesn't pull away. In fact I feel his body relax a little, as if he's pleasantly surprised by the hug.

I laugh stepping away from him, though he seems completely indifferent right now I can see the hint of hope in his eyes. Deep down, I think he wanted to believe Mom and Dad loved each other too.


"I have to be nice?" Katsuki asks me looking at me like I had three heads.

"Not nice per say, just tolerable. Like don't pick any fights or do something that would get my dad in a bad mood." I explain further knowing the term nice isn't really in his vocabulary.

"And this is all so you're parents may confess their feelings for each other?" He asks doubtful the two actually like each other.

"Yep! And they will, as long as everything goes according to plan. And for that to happen you need to be-"

"Tolerable, yeah I get that. But what if your family is as usual, intolerable?" He questions cutting me off, an annoyed look in his eye.

"Katsu come on." I say getting annoyed he doesn't just agree to his rather simple task.

"I don't like being 'tolerable' to people I don't like." He complains.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now