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"Oh wow it's my twin brother outside my dorm on our 16th birthday at the exact same time. What a crazy coincidence!" I say sarcastically, making my way to the entrance of my dorm seeing my brother and Monoma already there.

"Y/n please at least try to seem happy. Mom worked hard for tonight we should make her happy and enjoy it." Hitoshi rolls my eyes already through with my less than excited attitude.

"Why should we do something to make her happy? Isn't tonight supposed to be about us?" I ask skipping onto the front steps leading into the building.

"We should appreciate how much she went through to make us happy though." He pushes only making me want to tick him off more.

"Maybe for you brother, but if she really wanted to make me happy she'd let me have my own birthday party." I smile at him watching his left eye twitch as he tries to stay calm.

"That takes even more time and money sister, she is a pro hero after all."

"Righhhhht cause she's just so broke, being the highest payed female pro hero and all."

"Y/n I swear to god, please you are making a scene in front of your boyfriend." Toshi motions to Bakugo who is waiting patiently next to me one step down.

"I could say the same about you and your boyfriend!" I look at Monoma next to Toshi who's face immediately turns read.

"Wha-oh-uh- no no no! Me and Toshi are just friends!" He stammers looking down to hide his face. That's weird? I said that as a joke, why did he seem to react as though it was true?

"No way! Toshi are you gay?" I ask him somewhat shocked yet also weirdly unsurprised.

Toshi puts his hands up stepping away from Monoma, "What? No way! We- we're- we're just friends! Like he said!" Yeah, they've definitely kissed.

"Fine, fine, as your birthday present I'll let you off the hook. Let's just get this over with." I turn to the door ready to face yet another off beat surprise coming from my friends and family.

"For once I agree with you." Toshi says also moving to face the door.

"Right, here we go." Bakugo says opening the door slowly to an un-shockingly dark room.

Toshi hits me in the arm signaling for me to say something. Reluctantly I finally speak up while entering the room, "Wow that's strange Bakugo, the lights are all off and no ones here."

I hear Toshi let out a small sigh at my horribly done acting but nevertheless Bakugo responds, "Yeah that's strange pink eyes, let me turn on this light so we can see better." Seems like he's just as bad as me.

As if on cue as soon as Bakugo switches on the light all of me and Toshis friends and family jump from behind tables and seats all yelling, "SURPRISE!!!!"

Immediately several people run up to me and Toshis wishing us a happy birthday, my mom leading the pack.

"Oh darlings! I'm just so happy to see you both! Do you like the decorations?" She displays with her hands all the streamers and ball ones decorating the living room.

Toshi gives her asskissing smile, "It' great mom. Thank you so much for this."

My mom nods and then looks over to me expecting my praise. I don't plan on saying anything but Toshi kicks my shoulder making reluctantly give in showing my mom a half-hearted smile, "Yes mom it's lovely, I do heavenly thank you for this beautiful evening."

My mothers eyes twitch at my sarcasm but her smile still remains, "Yes and it's nice to know your attitude hasn't changed at all!"

"Yell well I guess sticking to what you know just runs in family!" I say looking past her to the banner wishing me and Toshi a happy birthday that's shes been using for our whole lives.

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now