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This is kind of a trigger warning. In this chapter it goes into the feeling of being replaced, and not having a dad. So if any of that effects you at all be careful!

"Admit you like him," I accuse while walking with Momo through the mall.

"Uh no way, how about you admit you like Bakugo."

I laugh sarcastically, "Ha that's funny. C'mon it's so obvious. Your cheeks get red every time you talk to him."

"And for some reason you'll do anything pick a fight with Bakugo."

"And that makes me like him?"

"Yes! That's how it works."

"Bullshit, just say you like Shoto."

"I will when you admit you don't hate Bakugo."

God you're so difficult."

"Says you." We laugh walking off to find Shoto.

Did I really not hate Bakugo? No, I definitely do. Momos just insane.

It was a week since Bakugo hid in my room, and we haven't even spoke to each other since. I haven't spoken to mother yet either. Me and my uncle haven't trained either. He's been spending time with some kid named Eri. Apparently she's living here. I didn't really mind not training because this way I got more sleep.

"Y/n, are you up. We have to go soon." Shotos voice came through from the other side of my door.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I say standing up from my bed.

This weekend my family and friends were going on our annual camping trip. Except this year I got to bring Momo. I'm pretty sure Shoto brought Deku, since they're closest. I'm glad we got to bring friends this year because I'd have an even better chance of ignoring my mother.

I walk out the door with my bag facing Shoto and... Bakugo? Damn it.

"Uh why are you here, and packed?" I ask pointing to the bag Bakugo was carrying.

"Icyhot invited me and I need to go to a place without Camie so I'm here. I would have suffered with Camie if I knew you were going to be there." He answers annoyed.

"Shoto why the hell didn't you invite Deku?"

"Because he's busy with his father, All Might."

"That's not his- never mind but really? Bakugo? Of all the fucking people you invite the dick."


"How'd you grow up with her," Bakugo ask.

"Why you little piece of shit." I say stepping up to him.

"Oh did I make her mad." He laughs looking down at me.

"God you infuriate me." I say trying to contain my quirk.

"Hey guys, ready for camping!" Momo calls walking towards us. "Oh Bakugo? You're coming?" She says noticing the bags Bakugo is carrying.

"Yes why is everyone so shocked by that. I'm waiting downstairs." He grunts walking off.

"Gonna be a fun week," Momo sighs.

"Yep, all thanks to Shoto." I say sarcastically.

"You're welcome," he smiles. Idiot.

"Hey guys, ready to go." My uncle asks entering the dorm. We nod picking up our bags as I notice a small girl enter. So that must be Eri.

"Hi." I say waving to young girl. The girls eyes widen and she grips my uncles legs hiding behind them.

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