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Hey guys! Long time no see lol. Anywho I decided today I'd answer some questions I'd often get either in comments or in direct messages (rip Wattpad direct messages) But uh yea sorry if you opened this chapter for some more Bakugo and pink eyes content however I will be giving some more info on their relationship past the story so there's that I guess.

Q. Why is your story still unedited/ why are there so many grammar mistakes?

A. Uhhh honestly I just hate grammar. I suck at it and I write the chapters pretty quickly. I don't plan much out except for like broad concepts and I only really write when I feel motivated. Plus this story is over 100 chapters and while I love them, I cannot re-read it that much. I do of course plan to edit and correct the story one day because occasionally if I look back at some chapters, the grammar and spelling errors are literally horrendous. But for right now it's not a super important thing to me as I'm currently working on other projects.

Q. Why are there minor plot holes in the story?

A. Again, I rarely re-read the older chapters. This isn't a question I get as often but more in comments from binge readers who read the story in a span of a few hours. They'll notice something from chapter 10 that doesn't like up with something chapter 80. It's usually minor stuff I'll admit because with bigger plot topics I'll re-read just to get facts right. The main reason behind the plot holes would be because I wrote the story over the span of two years. So when I was getting to the end I forgot some smaller stuff, which some lovely readers have been able to point out. When I eventually edit I'll try my best to fix this as well.

Q. Why does y/n do this/ y/n is annoying

A. Brother just read a different story. Jk, but def in the early chapters I got a lot of these comments. And looking back it's kinda understandable, but there is also a reason for this. One of course would be my own mental state and age when write this but there was some more reasoning put behind y/ns personality and behavior. I really wanted to showcase her emotional and mental instability which is why she would lash out so easily. I also got accused of having her trauma dump which I won't lie, I laughed at. Because ya, she does. But this again was to show she doesn't know how to deal with emotions. For the first time in her life aside from Eraser she finally someone to confide in and was wanting to help her (Bakugo). She often bottled up negative emotions as a kid and tried as a teen but having someone as pushy as Bakugo made this wall she put up come crumbling down. This on more than one occasion would make her lose all control of what she said as she just finally felt relieved to let it all out. So uh yea, basically y/n is a mess but a purposeful mess at that.

Q. Cringy action sequences

A. I can't write action sequences. In the earlier chapters this is extremely clear through the way I showed y/n fighting or using her power. Some moments that haunt me are the fight with the Nomu in the "I'm not a villain chapter" and the infamous literal y/n moment she had during Toshi and Bakugos fight in "A brothers love". This is all honestly just me being a young and unqualified writer, but hey guys it's Wattpad and I was a kid. The story is more emotion focused anyways which I think is rather obvious but yea.

Q. Miss characterization

A. Yea that's my b. No but in all honesty I kinda just took the frame of mha and character names and then made my own story. Obviously I keep major characteristics but the personality of some major characters are def a little different. Shoto and Aizawa would be the big ones I think. Oh yea, Bakugo too. I did however know this would probably happen which is why I sorta set up the story explaining it's kinda an alternate reality because obviously y/n isn't in the canon mha verse. I liked taking my fav characters and kind of seeing and predicting how they'd act in these scenarios but obviously I can acknowledge that at some points I would lose their original personalities.

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