Goodbye Katsuki Bakugo

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Midnight POV

"Bakugo?! What on earth are you doing just standing there?!" I yell down the hall towards Bakugo who stands, leaning against a door.

"We caught the doctor behind the Nomus and the plans for future Nomus, we've won Bakugo." Rock lock yells from beside me.

As we approach Bakugo we see that he's almost in a daze, as if he's not completely here. Immediately I know the reason. I look around and then back at Bakugo, "Where is she?"

"Fighting Aro Suzuki in the room behind me." Bakugo states pointing to the door behind him.  He can talk? Maybe he isn't under her quirk.

Rock lock seems confused but I feel my jaw drop at the name that comes from Bakugos mouth, "Ar- Aro Suzuki? B-b-but he's dead."

"He's a Nomu. And he has y/ns power. In around two minutes if y/n doesn't beat him a blast will go off and everyone will fall under the control of Aro, who's under the control of Shigaraki." Bakugo continues, leading my shock to change to anger. That poor boy.

Rock lock surprisingly is the first to jump into action, " Well let's go help her."

He goes to open the door, but Bakugo moves blocking the handle, "We can't. She has to do it on her own."

"Wait Bakugo. Are you under her quirk?" I ask knowing there's no way Bakugo would let her do this alone of his own free will.

"Yes. At first it was to just leave her alone, but now I can't let anyone else in there." He explains, leaving me with only one question.

"Darling, how are you able to speak right now? You're much to mellow to be talking freely, yet you have partial control of your cognitive abilities." I ask him hoping this is something y/ns done on purpose.

"She's injured. It took her three tires to just get me out here." He says giving me the worst answer possible.

"Oh my. We must go help her! Bakugo I will make you move, even if it means putting you to sleep!" I decide, knowing my daughter needs me more than ever right now.

I get ready to unleash my quirk on Bakugi but I feel an hand grab my arm, I look aside and see Rock lock keeping a strong hold on me, "We can't go. We'd just get in your daughters way."

"But Ro-"I try to protests but he continues ti speak.

"If that other person in there had y/ns quirk there's no doubt he'd use it on us. We'd only be getting in her way then. If she so chooses to fight alone then we have to let her. It pains me to say this, buts she's our only choice if we want to win. She's immature and very much annoying, but that girl is a hero in full. She's strong and smart, she knows what she's doing. So let's go, we'll wait outside and watch from below." He says reminding me of how this room has a wall of windows.

I think over his words for a moment before knowing he's completely right. If even Rock Lock can come to see how strong my darling is, then it's true that she has the heart of a hero. And he's right about us getting in the way. It pains me, but if this is how it must go, then I will leave this to y/n. I'll put my hope into her.


"C'mon angel eyes! Don't slow down on me so soon!" Aro taunts me smiling as I'm yet to land a single hit on him.

"Fuck off Aro." I grunt pushing myself to one knee.

He laughs making his way to me. I pick my head up to just to catch him pick his foot up pushing me back down to the ground, "Oh god does it feel good to finally beat you. All those years we played hero and sidekick. All the times you'd just use your quirk on me for fun. Or how every single time we spared you'd beat me. Finally, for once in my life I can say, I beat y/n Kayama."

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