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"You're awake already? Earlier than anticipated." I hear a voice speak though I find who it belongs to. Something of off about the voice though. Even though I can't recognize it, it's familiar, in a way I can't describe.

Honestly right now I could t describe much, I just felt different, stronger. Confused and tired I close my eyes again only to be brought to a scene.

Eraser going head to head with a enormous Nomu, and losing.

Terrified at the sight I jolt up only to be forced back down by the constraints on my body. Out of breath from fear I pant asking in search of answers, "What just happened. I saw my uncle."

"Hmmmm, strange. Your powers seem to be manifesting faster than expected. If you must no that was your optic connection, it's partners to your emotion connection. All it was, was you seeing a glimpse into someone you cared for life." The voice explains though it only leaves me with more questions.

"Emotional connection?" I say wondering if that's the reason behind the uneasy feeling running through my body.

"Yes it is that you feel others whom you have a connection with. With some practice and getting used to you'll be able to identify when someone is hurt, dying, or dead." He explains leaving me wondering only one thing.

"Ok, one more question." I state, starting to ask something that's been on my mind ever since waking up, "I know you, how?"

The voice let's put a deep sigh and I hear footsteps walking closer to me. Keeping my eyes open I watch the man step into my view. Towering over me is a man filled with black smoke, though he is wearing a nice suit.

"I can assure you young girl, that we have never met." He explains to me sounding as sure of that as ever.

Well, I've definitely never seen this man before, so why is it bothering me. Why do I feel this way, like I know him, like we've met before. It's almost as if I could feel his presence within me. He explained himself for my emotional connection work I must already have a connection with the person. So unless this isn't my emotional connection power then why did it feel like I was feeling this man.

Taking a risk I move my eyes to meet his. They're large yellow eyes glaring back at me. At first look it was just as he said, it was like we never met, but still I felt it. I felt something, there was someone hiding in that smoke that I knew. I just didn't know-..........

3rd Person POV

"Oh come on y/n, please smile. I know you're upset uncle Shouta isn't here, but I am!" Photos blue hair waves in the room while he tries his best holding y/n.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The baby continues to cry much to Oboros dismay.

"Y/n please, smile for uncle Oboro." He pleased with the infant.

"Waaaaaass!" She continues with no end in sight.

Defeated Oboro sighs with the baby in his arms, "God, you're lucky you're adorable."

"Oboro! Could you seriously not calm y/n down?!" Shouta scolds Oboro entering the room.

"Oh thank god, you're here! Here take y/n, she won't stop!" Oboro says relieved, standing up to hand him the baby.

"You're ridiculous." Shouta shakes his head grabbing the crying baby.

Almost immediately the baby sees Shouta and stops crying in his arms. Letting off a small smile Oboro takes in the sight, "You're really good with her ya know."

Shouta smiles at young y/n, "Eh, I'd be just as bad as you if she hadn't decided to take a liking to me. I'm lucky if anything."

"Luck or not, you're a savior." Oboro jokes patting his best friend on the back.

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