202: replace them

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Elaine's POV

It's been very nice having Emanuel around, at first Skylar was very wary of him but now they're like two peas in a pot. It was early in the morning maybe around seven and I was sitting on the patio with Emanuel.

Emanuel: I can't believe how grown up you are

Elaine: (smile)

Emanuel: you're even married

Elaine: yeah the last time I saw you was...the day of dad's funeral

Emanuel: yeah sorry for not being there for you when you needed me, I was in a very bad space

Elaine: it's okay I understand

The same year I got raped his mom passed away so I can only imagine what he was going through

Emanuel: (smile) sometimes I miss them

Elaine: (faint smile) even though we'll never replace them were here for you

Emanuel: thank you Elaine

Elaine: that's what sisters are for, I thought mom visited you

Emanuel: yeah she did whenever she got a chance to

Elaine: (smile) I'm so glad to be with you

Emanuel: anyway forget that I want to meet your wife

Elaine: oh

Emanuel: it's okay if you don't want to

Elaine: (smile) no you can come visit us

Emanuel: okay

The day went by and I spent it with my family doing all crazy things such as playing games and stuff just like the good old days. I was watching mom, Isa and Emanuel play as I was still breastfeeding Aidan. My baby is so adorable with his big blue-ish hazel eyes, but they were more blue than hazel guess he got that from Billie. I feed him as I was smiling at him, he yawned signalling that he was sleepy

Elaine: beautiful boy sleep now mommie loves you

I kept humming to him until he slept and I layed him in bed. After laying him down I went back and Skylar asked me to borrow her my phone which I did then went on to play with them. After playing mom and I made dinner.

Isa: this is so good

Sandra: thank you sweetie

Manu: I missed this, having dinner with y'all guys

Isa: we missed you too bro

Skylar was sitting on the table but she wasn't eating she was busy on my phone.

Elaine: Sadie give me the phone you should eat

She gets frightened and quickly closes it and gives it back. I check what she was doing but I don't see anything out of the ordinary so I just shove it in my pocket and we eat dinner. After dinner I went to bathe Skylar, while mom bathed Aidan. Around seven I tried to call Billie but she didn't answer so I assume she's sleeping or something came up. I tried her a several times but she doesn't answer so I just sleep too, I slept with Aidan. In the middle of the night Skylar came

Skylar: mommie, I can't sleep

Elaine: come get in bed and sleep with mommie

She gets in bed and we talk for a few minutes and before I know it she's already sleeping, I slept as well. In the middle of the night my phone rings and it's Billie.

Elaine: (yawn) baby

Billie: mamas, sorry I didn't answer your calls something came up

Elaine: it's fine I figured, was it something serious?

Billie: no I just had a quick photoshoot for some magazine

Elaine: oh how are you thou?

Billie: I'm sad

Elaine: why? what happened?

Billie: you went live on Instagram without me

Elaine: I went live?

Billie: yeah that's what it says here

Elaine: check from your fan accounts they must've seen something because I didn't go live or what if I'm hacked?

Billie: baby relax I'm checking

I anxiously waiting for her to check and she chuckles

Elaine: baby what happened?

Billie: it was Skylar

Elaine: (giggle) oh now it makes sense why she was so focused on the phone during dinner

Billie: where is she?

Elaine: here she's sleeping

Billie: Aidan?

Elaine: he's here too

Billie: you're sleepy with both of them?

Elaine: yeah, Skylar just came saying she couldn't sleep

Billie: okay

Elaine: uhm babe?

Billie: mi amor?

Elaine: my brother wants to meet you and I kinda already agreed for him to visit us, I know I shouldn't have taken the decision without you but he caught me off guard and....

Billie: sshhhh, babe anyone of your family is welcomed here okay?

Elaine: really?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: thank you

We went on to talk for about an hour or so


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