250: mixed signals

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Elaine's POV

The situation between Billie and I worsened with each month that passed. She had gone back to tour and when she'd call I wouldn't answer her call because when I do we always end up fighting. It is rumoured that Billie is cheating on me and whenever I'd ask her about it she gets defensive, that's what we fight about. What pissed me off the most is that Billie is all over Phoebii's social media and people tag me in their comments. I'm even considering getting a divorce because I'm always crying and my cries fall on deaf ears. It's like Billie woke up one day and grew out of love with me. I think it's better to let it go because this is not me, I'm not this petty woman.

Today I'm going to Canada to talk to Billie about at least getting a divorce because this is not working anymore. I've been hurting for over a year now and I can't keep up the facade anymore and Samuel is also on my case about getting out of jail. I just don't think I can fight two battles at once, with my unsupportive wife. I know a person can only support you to a certain point and she's probably tired hence I think a divorce us a best thing to do.

After some hours I land in Canada and I was very nervous, I knew Billie was not gonna let me go that easily. She'd fight to keep me but I just can't do this anymore.

Billie's POV

I've been in Canada for two or three weeks and the people here are amazing. Phoebii and I have become really close. She always come to me asking for advice about her music and personal life. It's like I've become her big sister. We've just finished a show.

Billie: great show

Phoebii: thank you

She comes in for a hug and we hug for a good minute

Billie: I'm so tired, I wanna go freshen up

Phoebii: okay I wanna grab something to eat I'm hungry

Billie: I'll see you later then

I then went to my trailer and got in the shower. Taking a shower never felt this good. After some time I wrap myself in a towel and got out of the bathroom. I was so shocked when I got out because I find Phoebii in my bed barely dressed.

Billie: Uhm is everything okay?

She walks up to me and kiss me, I push her away. She looks at me with eyes full of confusion and embarrassment.

Phoebii: sorry I thought you...

Billie: (sigh) Phoebii I'm married

I hold her hand and we sit on my bed.

Phoebii: I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just that you seemed interested in me

Billie: I'm sorry I sent you mixed signals, I love my wife.

Phoebii: (faint smile) your wife is pretty by the way

Billie: thank you

Phoebii: oh my goodness you probably don't want to work with me no more

I cup her face in my hands.

Billie: no not at all you're a great artist and I'm the one who....

The door opened and there stood my wife while we're still seated in this manner and my hands on Phoebii's cheeks, mind you we were both barely dressed I only had a towel wrapped around me while Phoebii had a lingerie on.

-dum dum dum ❤️

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now