279: supposed to be like this

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Elaine's POV

It was during the week and I was so tired from the busy day in the hospital. I had a very long surgery and I couldn't even have lunch with Lisa. We didn't even talk on the phone, so I'm planning on calling him later on. I get in the house and immediately take off my heels then I find Skylar and Aidan playing snake and ladder in the living room.

Aidan: hello mommie

Skylar: hi mommie

Elaine: hey babies how are you?

Both: good

Then they both laugh

Elaine: (giggle) did you have something to eat?

Skylar: auntie gave us food

Elaine: okay, do you have any homeworks?

Skylar: I have a math homework

Aidan: our teacher said we should make a musical instrument

Elaine: from scratch?

He nods, and I feel frustration building up. I was so tired, now I have to help Aidan with this.

Elaine: okay let mommie go freshen up and I'll come help you

Skylar: yes mommie

I went upstairs and quickly freshened up then I went downstairs. I quickly got started on dinner, after putting everything in the stove I help the kids with their homeworks. I'm very good in math so helping Skylar with her homework was easy. I struggle helping Aidan with his because he's very particular about what he wants and I'm not crafty, his mom is the crafty one. We decide to take a break and have dinner then we'll continue.

Sometime after dinner Billie called to say her goodnight, when she did Aidan told her about the homework. She tried to help us with it via FaceTime but we were still failing miserably and it was almost Aidan's bedtime. She offers to quickly come and help with the homework, I don't refuse because the homework is due tomorrow and I'm struggling. She gets here and she demolishes what Aidan and I made then her and Aidan start sketching it , then they start on it. Aidan automatically fell asleep on his bedtime so I took him to bed. I then came back and sat down opposite Billie.

Elaine: where can I help?

Billie: uhm you can cut these out

Elaine: okay, so how have you been?

Billie: I've been good, you?

Elaine: I've been good too

Billie: I got the email about the hospital's budget

Elaine: oh yeah, you can edit it if you want or you think we left out some things

Billie: I haven't really gone through it but I'll check it

Elaine: okay, how are shows?

She smiles, see how happy she is without me. She's always smiling and she's definitely glowing. She looked so liberated I guess I was holding her back.

Billie: they've been good, really good

Elaine: I'm happy for you

Billie: thank you

Elaine: should I colour this or it's supposed to be like this?

Billie: you can colour it

Elaine: okay

I start colouring, I take everything I do very seriously so I wanted what I was doing to look perfect. One can even say I'm a perfectionist. I was looking down colouring then I noticed that Billie stopped doing what she was doing, so I look up to find her staring at me. I look at her and smile.

Elaine: is there something wrong?

Billie: no, sorry for staring

Elaine: it's okay

Billie: you look beautiful

I look down to see what I was wearing because I'm pretty sure I'm wearing sweaters and fluffy sleepers.

Elaine: thank you, you too

Billie: have you noticed that the more Skylar grows the more she looks like you?

Elaine: (smile) not really I haven't paid any attention to that

Billie: she's beautiful like you

Elaine: like you too

We continue making the cardboard guitar then after we were done it was around 2am. I told her she could sleep in the guestroom but she insisted on leaving, she kisses my cheek then leave.


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