270: good teacher

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Elaine's POV

After the kids left I went to freshen up and wore casually and packed an overnight bag. After packing the bag I wait for Lisa who calls and tells me he's outside. I then go outside and find him standing outside his car.

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: (smile) baby

Lisa: you ready?

Elaine: yeah

He opened the door for me and then I got inside then he also got in and drove away.

Elaine: how was your day?

Lisa: tiring it was full of paperwork yours?

Elaine: it was fun

Lisa: your kids are beautiful I can't wait for us to have our own

Elaine: (giggle) how many kids do you want?

Lisa: as many as I can have

Elaine: (laugh)

Lisa: (smile) I'm serious

Elaine: (laugh) babe you must be realistic, who will look after them?

Lisa: you and I

Elaine: (smile)

Lisa: you have a nice laughter

Elaine: (blush) thank you, so who do you live with?

Lisa: alone

Elaine: you cook and clean for yourself?

Lisa: I have a few people who help me with chores but I cook for myself

Elaine: (smile) why?

Lisa:  I prefer making food for myself

Elaine: I see

Lisa: do you have a helper?

Elaine: yeah, she's more of a nanny than anything because I love cleaning and cooking myself

Lisa: (smile) you and I are gonna get along just fine

Elaine: (smile) is this your house?

Lisa: yeah we're here

His house was huge and they were heavily armed men all over the house. He drove in and they bowed to him.

Elaine: why do you have so much security?

Lisa: my job demands me to have heavy security

Elaine: but you always come alone to me

Lisa: because I want privacy

Elaine: (smile)

Lisa: come

He got out of the car and opened the door for me and then I went out. He took my bag for me and held my waist, we then got in the house where we were quickly greeted by one of his helpers.

Helper: evening sir

Lisa: evening, did everyone leave yet?

Helper: yes they left

Lisa: okay you can also leave now

The helper didn't make eye contact with him, she was bowing all along.  We then got in the house and it was so fancy.

Elaine: you have a nice place

Lisa: thank you, make yourself comfortable

Elaine: okay

Lisa: go put your bag in the sixth door on your right

Elaine: okay

I then went upstairs and I got in the room with a double door. The room was hug you could fit in four cars if you wanted. The room was huge but it was nicely furnished with expensive furniture. I put my bag in there then went back down. I found him with his hoodie off, only left with a vest and sweaters. I notice his tattoos all over his arm and neck, they kinda looked like tribal tattoo or something. They looked very good on him, I stare at him for sometime and I notice how really beautiful Lisa is.

Lisa: you're done checking me out?

Elaine: (smile) how did you know I was here?

Lisa: (chuckle) I just know, what do you want to eat?

Elaine: I don't know anything

Lisa: I'll make you vegan something then, I'm not very good with vegan food

Elaine: it's okay you can make meat

Lisa: aren't you gonna eat?

Elaine: I will

Lisa: what?

Elaine: what you're making

Lisa: aren't you vegan?

Elaine: (smile) no I used to be until I had heart problems, I have to get all the proteins I can get

Lisa: (smile) I'll make you a meatloaf then

Elaine: okay

I go sit in a chair and watch him cook. He is very skilled with a knife.

Elaine: did you take a cooking course?

Lisa: no my mom taught me everything I know

Elaine: she must be a good teacher

Lisa: she's very patient


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