314: treat me right*

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Elaine's POV

Lisa has completely changed, the relationship got more abusive with each day that passed. He'd bang me against the walls, slap me name it he did it. He didn't even care that I was pregnant with his son, yes it's a boy. I always had bruises so he'd hide me from the world because he didn't want anyone to see what he was doing to me. I never FaceTime anyone anymore, in fact I was forbidden. Brands pulled out because I no longer posted on my social media luckily for the hospital it had many share holders so they took care of the business because I had taken a maternity leave. Billie has been trying to reach out but I shut her out mainly because I'm also forbidden to talk to her. I never get a chance to see my kids but I talk to them over the phone and I missed them so much but atleast I had one of them with me. I was sitting in the lobby listening to Advice by Kehlani, when Lisa walked in.

Lisa: Fiori

I fake a smile, he goes to my bump and kiss it.

Lisa: how's my boy?

Elaine: okay

Lisa: are you alright?

When he asked me that I felt tears threaten my eyes because he knows I'm not alright.

Elaine: yeah

Lisa: did you have something to eat?

Elaine: (shake head)

Lisa: come let's go

I stood up and followed him and we had lunch while he was talking about how great life is for him, then my phone rang.

Lisa: who is it?

Elaine: my mom

Lisa: mhm okay

Elaine: can I talk to her?

Can you believe this? I had to ask for permission to talk to people including my mom.

Lisa: sure

She was FaceTime-ing me so I let it ring then when she ends it I call her.

Elaine: mom how are you?

Sandra: hey dear why aren't you answering your phone

Elaine: I'm a little busy right now

Sandra: okay I'll call when you're not

Elaine: no talk

Sandra: I wanted to FaceTime you so I can see you

Elaine: we'll FaceTime some other time

Sandra: okay, how are you?

Elaine: I'm okay

Sandra: how's my grandson?

Elaine: he's doing good

Sandra: you don't sound okay, I hope that boy is treating you right

I look at Lisa and I shed tears.

Elaine: yeah he's treating me right

Sandra: you don't sound convinced

Lisa stops eating and tells me to put my mom on speaker and I do it.

Elaine: he is

Sandra: okay, I don't wanna come over there

Elaine: mom I promise

Sandra: okay I just wanted to hear your voice, I love you

Elaine: I love you too mom bye

Sandra: bye dear

I then end the call and Lisa roared.

Lisa: why are you crying?

Elaine: I'm not something got in my eye

Lisa: wipe those tears off your face then

**trigger⚠️ I think this description may be triggering to some people**

I wiped my tears, after dinner I go freshen up. After freshening up I look myself in the mirror and I had bruises all over my body, I had a cut near my left eye that I got two days ago when Lisa slapped me while he had a ring on. A mark on my thigh when he scratched me and said he was marking me, and another on my inner thigh. It's a burn mark he marked me with, he burnt me with a cigar. While I was looking at myself like that he came in and kissed my neck and cupped my boobs. I let him be even though I didn't want to because at least he's gentle when I don't resist. I had become used to being used, Lisa did anything he wants to me at anytime he. He doesn't care if I'm sick or not as long as he got what he wanted that's fine by him.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now